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on 4/19/11 2:59 am - TX
Topic: RE: Lookin for a sleeve penpal in Dallas Metrolplex
Ok, I am rewriting -- I closed my browser and didn't send first -- urgh!!

How are you doing today? 

You are a brave sole for watching a sappy movie last night -- if I stay to close to tv for too long that subliminal messaging makes me get hungry!!!!

Can you believe we are a week off.

Do you have family coming to stay with you -- drop you etc -- Where do you live?

Right now, I am considering dropping myself -- can you believe it -- I hope they have lockers for my you have to come in with ID.  I may have my sitter come - -but she is not an early bird and I am worried about her coming in my car -- that worries me -- as she drives this beat up car that does not fit a car seat - so when she leaves to drop my 2 year old with ex, she will have to take my vehicle.

IF I put my stuff in a locker will I feel like getting out of bed to get it --

I am getting nervous thinking about the logistics.

I just got a new multiple vitamin at sprouts -- so I am on top of that today.  AFter just eating nothing but protein today, I didn't lose a lb yeseterday -- that urks me.

Here;s the link to the shot thing at walmart -- yes, its a shot..... hot-Fruit-Punch-Supplement-17.4-oz/13274526

And there is this drink at sprouts called "pure protein" -- it has 35 grams of protein and 4 carbs.  And it really fills you up!

Tell me how you day is going.....Do you work during the day/stay at home?

(deactivated member)
on 4/18/11 9:57 pm - Chicago, IL
Topic: Would love a Chicago area or Anywhere Penpal:)
Hi there Everyone!! I woud love a Chicago area or a penpal from anywhee. I think its wonderful to be able to have someone to talk to on this journey, and plus you cant have enough friends!!! :)

Have a great day all!!  :)

Lisa S.
on 4/18/11 3:59 pm - TX
Topic: RE: Lookin for a sleeve penpal in Dallas Metrolplex

Hey there!

Sorry it took so long to write back. When I got back in, I showered and settled into a sappy movie! I have no idea why I torture myself like that.

As for the IBU-I think you'll be just fine. Any medication like ibuprophen, aleve, naproxen, advil...they all thin your blood. They don't want you to bleed too much during surgery, or after, so you would be better to take tylenol, if you need something. But if you took one a few days ago, I think you'll be fine. Same thing with alcohol....I had to say by to my grey goose. lol Oh the horror!

I'm sure we'll be close together in the hospital after the please do come and get me! I'd love that! I can give you my cell phone number, and we can text and chat over the next week-and beyond! I wouldn't mind doing that at all.

I am taking my multi-vitamin, b-12, and protein all this week. So, this hair loss thing--I got this! If I start losing hair, I'll cry. That's the one good thing I have to show off! lol My best friend is my hair dresser, so he will certainly help me keep it healthy too. I'm going to look into that shot thing you got at walmart. I'd love to shoot one down, so that I don't have to drink those agonizing shakes. I got some good stuff at GNC this morning, but taking a shot of protein, I assume you mean like a liquor shot, would be so much better. Down the hatch! :)

I hope to talk soon! :) Tomorrow is a week! YAY!

on 4/18/11 3:22 pm
Topic: RE: lap band
Hi ..  i just turned 55 [ double nickels]  my lapband  was put in 2008
I  like  you have been up and down .. had some problems in earlier months and had
all ccc's taken out  .. now im back up to 8 cc  and  know i need another fill
I got a fill once that  was fine for  almost a week and then i couldnt take anything down 
seemed to last about 2 days  and it was fine  not sure if i just got something stuck there
or  swelling  .. it happens
I  dont have a support group around me any where  so  i could use some friends that understand and going thru the same .
I have 2 grown children  that are married  and have blessed me with 4 grand-childen
that calls me [ Nana ]  my husband left me4 yrs ago for a younger . skinney  woman  and a harley
lol   ,, so i'm on my own .. so hope we can stay in contact  ...  oh by the way i live in Michigan
and its so cold still and they are callling for snow tomorrow . 
on 4/18/11 2:58 pm
Topic: RE: Pen Pal with humor??
its always good to have a sense of humor
I live in Michigan where mother nature changes
her mind every 15 minutes like clock work l
on 4/18/11 2:24 pm
Topic: RE: Looking for a pen pal in West Michigan
It would be nice to have penpals  i'm in an area without any support groups
so looking forward to talking to and sharing thoughts with penpals  and people that understand
good luck with your surgery!
on 4/18/11 1:03 pm - Fort Benning, GA
Topic: RE: Pen Pal In Texas

My surgery went really well. I was in the hospital for 3 days then I came home and did my liquid diet (jell-o, broth and popscycles****il Sunday. Today I had my drains taken out and I am so happy cuz I got to real food (even it was only eggs and cheese :-).  The drains for me were the most painful and henderous thing about my surgery. You have to get into bed as you would in the hospital and sleep on your back with feet elevated so that you don't get blood clots in your legs. Your doctor will give and Rx for pain meds, headache and quizziness (at least mine did) and I took full advantage of the pain meds, but unfortuantly I caught a cold in the hospital so I have to take cold meds now, but thats ok. I will tell you that when you have your drains removed it is going to be a WEIRD feeling when they take them out thats for sure. When are you having your surgery? Or did you have it already?

on 4/18/11 11:57 am - TX
Topic: RE: Lookin for a sleeve penpal in Dallas Metrolplex
Responding again -- forgot to answer
My doc is Nick Nicholson
Perhaps your doc is single? LOL!
on 4/18/11 11:57 am - TX
Topic: RE: Lookin for a sleeve penpal in Dallas Metrolplex
Ahhhhh as you come in Tuesday to get ready -- I will likely be coming out.......

Talk about woo -hoo -- Yea, I am going to blow the socks off my ex and kids too.  As just the other day, my son said I had a baby in my tummy.  That was enough for me to get depressed about. 

You and I are in the same about --"our secret"!  The less my ex knows the better. And after  healing is complete -- I am going for the brow lift -- I just need to find a good surgeon. 

Its time to put me first -- my ex has been putting himself first our entire marriage.

Wow, that diet sounds radical - 800 calories a day.  Mine says 1200 (with that said -- he wants us to take in 5 "high protein" slim fast, a lean protein meat, and some veggies.  And I think no caffeine -- so I have laid off of that. 

Just today at preop they were telling me no ibuprofen for two weeks and just the other day i had one -- so I hope that will be an issue-- Yea, 800 calories -- girlfriend, I can eat that in one setting -- so I am with ya.

How was your walk? My 5 year old had tball tonight-- so I took a protein shot and that was dinner......You have got to try these -- they are called "super whey protein shot" -- I bought mine at walmart.  They have one carb and 26g of protein. 

Your doc said nothing about mega dosing on protein?  Supposedly, loss of protein, magnesium and zinc is what makes your hair fall out -- so I am mega mega dosing on the vitamins to prevent that from happening.  I have loss enough (seriously) from the divorce issues.

I think stop eating after 6pm really makes a difference too. 

You hang in there -- drink your water.  I read something today form the forest medial that said you need to to be taking in 64 ounces of water prior to surgery.  You will get a pamphlet from them about the ordeal as well.

Ahhhhh its bed time for my kiddos -- so reading I shall go -- the late nights are the worst for eating.......munchies are my weakness.  Hang tough.

We need to come up with a strategy for how we will be able to talk to together next Tuesday.  AT the very least --  they say we need to be up every 2 hours to walk -- so I will be coming by your room to pick you up~!!!! LOL

Talk to you soon,
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