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on 4/21/11 10:39 pm - Australia
Topic: RE: AZ/39y/F/RNY looking for support pals ... all locations welcome!
Hi Dawn, I'm 38 and originally had a lap band in 2007 (i think).
I have just had this revised to RNY on the 16 april 2011 so its quite new for me.
I am in Melbourne Australia.
I have 2 children an almost 10 year old Angel , blessed with Autism. Also a son , he has just turned 8.
I enjoy cooking, volounteering at my sons school, movies, fishing, gardening and having fun with friends and family.
I too are looking for a pal, RNY isnt done very much in Australia as the Lapband is more popular I don't know of any support groups here yet.
Hope to hear from you soon
regards Elena

Have a wonderful Easter.xo
on 4/21/11 7:47 pm - Canada
Topic: RE: RNY on 5/26 looking for penpal

My name is Donna and I am also having RNY Gastric bypass on May 26.  I am 45, married with 4 kids in varying stages of almost adulthood.  I am an RN and am both very nervous and extremely excited to begin this journey.  I would love to become a friend/supporter/penpal.  Message me if you are interested.
on 4/21/11 6:46 pm
Topic: RE: looking for penpal
HI Patsy --  I wish you all the best on the 3rd and  will be thinking of you -- I say WOOOHOOOO  to you -- dont be scared if you got a good doc things will go smooth.( I was out nof bed the next day by 10 am with no more meds)  - Are you having the  bypass or the lap band? - but either way its a step in the right direction and you will be so Happy you did it -- now you have great tings to look foward to -- feeling better, loooking better, having energy. It is an awesome feeling and Ill tell you it is the best thing I have ever done in my life and after the surgery and things start leveling out you will feel the same. But keep in touch and lets chat soon ... Darleen
on 4/21/11 6:09 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Topic: RE: looking for penpal

Hi Darlen, my name is Patsy Watkins, I am 48 years old and live in Phx.. my surgery is on May3rd and am really getting scaared...would love to be a penpal and chat, I think thi is the easiest way to talk to people  that are going through the same thing...good luck  Patsy

on 4/21/11 6:06 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Topic: RE: anyone in their 50's? Have some questions, need a pal
Hi, I Know how your are feeling, the insurances gave me a runaround but they finally authorized surgery is may 3rd..I am going to be 49, yes I am scared, its like when i had my kids, scared to death about deliveries  but loved the end result...i wll let you know how my journey goes, I am in PHX AZ..good luck   Patsy Watinks  p.s WOULD LOVE TO BE YOUR PENPAL
on 4/21/11 6:02 pm - PHOENIX, AZ
Topic: RE: RNY on 5/26 looking for penpal
Hi, I am Patsy Watkins in Phoenix, i wold love to be your penpal, I am having my surgery on May 3rd and for the first time a am really scared but will be a little ahead of me so maybe with your help i will not be so scared..I am 48 years old and am having gastric bypass...its like when i was having my babies (24 daughter and 21 son) i was really scared before delivery but am so glad I did it...good luck to you and keep meposted
on 4/21/11 1:12 am - TX
Topic: RE: Lookin for a sleeve penpal in Dallas Metrolplex
Hey girl,
I have to say the preop is going -- just ok.  I had some popcorn last night -- its tough - I get those munchies.  How are you doing?  I was reading on here some people that say they only do 2-3 days of preop, some that do none, and some that do two weeks. But I know that its in the best interest of the recovery that you do that -- one lady said she asked her doc if he ever turned some away because their liver had not shrunk - and he said NO.  I read that it takes weeks to really truly shrink the liver and really you are just needing to get the slime off of the liver (which comes from high fat diets).  So, I am not going to beat myself up too much.  I will be better today -- I hope!!!!!!  At the very least , there is nothing hear to cheat on -- ha ha aha ha!  Its all about removing the bad stuff out of your house (for me).  I am getting my protein and water but I am PMS'in and its tough.  I ate nothing at the easter party -- and that was a trial in itself.
You have abnormal rhythmn in your heart -- is it serious.?  Please please keep me posted.  I am praying for good news for you.
Lisa S.
on 4/21/11 12:07 am - TX
Topic: RE: Lookin for a sleeve penpal in Dallas Metrolplex

Good morning Kelley!

I hope you had a great time yesterday on the Easter outing! I'm sure it was a lot of fun. :)
How are you doing today? Is the diet going ok? Can you believe that we're 5 days out? Woo hoo! This week is going by fast!

So, I went to my doctors office yesterday afternoon, for my last pre-op visit with him. He received the results of my EKG, which were as expected, a little abnormal. So-the anesthesiologist wants me to see a cardiologist this morning at 11am in Dallas. So-if this guy doesn't clear me today,  I won't be having the surgery on Tuesday! :( I am really bummed, but my doc says he doesn't see a reason why he won't clear me. So-please keep your fingers crossed for me.

Talk to you soon! :)

on 4/20/11 3:42 pm
Topic: RE: RNY on 5/26 looking for penpal
Congratulations on the date! I am not having the RNY but i am having the Sleeve on the 25th of May. I am willing to help and support however i can if you would like me to. :)
on 4/20/11 1:51 pm - TX
Topic: RE: Looking for a sleeve sister
Oh you are so sweet to write and correspond.
Yes, next Tuesday is the big day and I am nervous, anxious and restless about it.
I have a 5 year old and 2 year old and my ex husband (not yet divorced yet) does not know I am doing this -- and I have no family in town -- so that is why I am nervous.  I hate keeping secrets.  I have 2 girlfriend in TX now since I moved here a few years ago -- and they have hubbies and small kids, so I hope they will still come and visit. 
Glad to hear your input about the preop diet.  I am going to try and be good -- but wish I would have had more of a "last meal" so to speak before starting this. Today, I was at my son's easter party at school --and there were cookies/cupcakes galore - and it was torture to watch all the size 2 mom's eating to their hearts content.
What happened after your biopsy of your liver. 
You said you have some minor problems -- the first week -- may I ask what you encountered. What can I expect that first week out...and the day of in the hospital.  My sitter will have my kids till early everning and they will spend the night with their dad - but I will have them back the next day.
What have you liked the best about this experience. 
Thanks for the advice about the constipation -- I had that after having my 2nd c-section and it was just horrible.  Does the hospital give you anything -- if they don't they certainly should.  What did you take?  Pains meds definitely make me constipated.
And can you use any gas-strips?  What are those?
Many thanks.  Is hard managing the post-op diet of liquids for 3 weeks. Is that when you lose crazy weight.  I am worried about hair loss/fatigue too.  Did you do the multi vitamin (liquid) and liquid b12 post-op and did that help mend you.....
How is eating and controlliing eating for you now......
Thanks for writing, I am sooooooo appreciative
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