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Hi there, i just read your post today 7/10/11. I live in Monterey Park, California, and I also had the gastric bypass in 6/1/01. I have had an intresting journey, but willing to share with you, so you dont make the wrong choices I did. I want to welcome you to your new life and journey, may God bless your new life and help you reach the immanginable goals. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Evelyn Castro-Lemus. I am 45 yrs old and I have 4 children, 20,17,16,and 13. I have been legally married for almost 23 yrs. My husband and I, seperated in june of 2006 and got back together in Jan 2007, right when my father became extreemly ill, and passed to be with the Lord on 1/14/07. That was a crucial time for me, I has so many issues to deal with, but, and unfortuneately I reffered back to the emotional eating, which is not good. My weight loss journey started at 300lbs on a 5'7 ft frame, I managed to drop to 160lbs, which I was looking to drop to 140lbs, but I made some bad choices and never reached that goal. With all my drama, I gained weight, which now i weigh 210lbs, scared to death of regaining all my weight. I am praying for the corage to start up my excersie regimen, and bo back to basics with the protien. My biggest recomendation is to stay away from carbinated drinks, regardless if they are diet. the carbination will hurt you literally at first, but then expand your pouch allowing you to fill it out more. I am assuming that you are still on protien, my doctor made our group stay on protien for the first 3 months and gradually incorportated solids back in to our diet. The protien can get boring but do stick to it, and you will be proud of your results. If you have not already, start your walking, build up to 60 min. a day, and try to find a work out for the rest of your body so that everything starts shrinking at the same time and porportionally. I found that the eliptical machine works, great, they have them at all the gyms, if you should decide to go that route, or if you buy one for home use, make sure you buy the dual arm swing, where you have 2 sets of handles, a set that move back and forth, which will benefit your arms and back, and one set that does'nt move, so you can work out you glutes and also make sure it has a few programed exercises that target certain areas. If you have a Kmart or Sears out there, Im sure you will find one. Stay away from bread and refined sugars, crystal lite and water are the best..... Keep in contact with your doctor, and do not listen to some of these post that people share about how to get around the limitations of your new pouch, it will just sabatage your results. Stay away from milk shakes and the usage of a straw, they are not your friends. later when you are able to enhance your daily food, you may consider a blender that will blend your strawberries, oranges, bananas, mellons, mangos, or whatever fruit you can tolerate, with no added sugar, if you must , use the equal. If you are a coffee drinker or tea, always use equal, or sweet n low. Yogurt is good, make sure its non fat or low fat, not regular. Stay away from super sweet things, you will become extreemly ill and just want to pass out, vomit, sweat, and lay down. (dumping syndrome) not good. if you would like to reach me on my personal email, please feel free, i never registerd as an angle for, because I felt like I had failed, but , I want to share with the gastric community, why it is so important that you follow doctors recommendtions. Now if you are an emotional eater, try finding a support group in your area, so that you can also listen to all the other situations that come up and you will also learn from that as well. I wish you all the success that is available to you, try reading books and just stay posted and tuned in, that is so important. Remember that you matter, and you need to put yourself first, and make good choices. Take care, God bless you and guide you on your new journey. Sincerly, Evelyn [email protected] : )
I didn't see your response - I appologize. I looked at your doctor, and we're in the same practice. I'm with Dr. G. So if you're looking for someone local to talk to, you've got it. I live in Horsham, not too far from the Naval base.
Do you happen to go to the Tues evening support group?
Take Care, and best of luck on the loser's bench!
I am a newbie. I will see my surgeon for the first next week. I am looking for someone to share this experience with....not to hold my hand but someone who is also new to the experience or someone who is already on the journey.
Hi Dee
I am Natalie I am just looking to shoot the breeze maybe some help ...with questions
what plastics did u have done i am just in the consult stage with that thinking of tummy tuck and a boob lift or reduction
how much did u lose and what were you at when you started
I am 40 how about u
thanks for getting back
I had my surgery on June 28th and am doing well. I live in RI as well. I have to say that so far so good and things are going better than I expected. I also went to about 5 months of support group meetings before my surgery so I have met some great people who have given me help along the way. Rojas2011 if you check the Roger Williams Hospital website they give a listing of the support group meetins. I usually go to the 3rd Wednesday of the month one. I found that really helped me out and knew what to expect on the day of surgery.
I'm in Ontario as well....just up the 401.
Are you looking for help?? Info?? To just "shoot the breeze"??
I'm almost 6 years out, have lost my weight, maintain the loss...and have had my plastics, so I'm at the other end of the journey.