Do you have a date yet? I suppose that I am in the same situation. I know that this is the right thing to do - but every now and then, I think "Oh my God - what am I doing?" I generally feel better after I look on this site and see that even though it is hard - most think that it was worth it. I will have my surgery on June 27 (which is my 25th wedding anniversary). I am plugging my way through the maze of appointments - I have been on vacation and on another trip recently and have not been sticking to the precribed diet. If I was great at dieting - I wouldn't be in this shape. I worry that I won't be able to lose the weight required. I know that this will be important journey for both of us and I would be glad to share the journey with you.
thankyou for responding and I would love to share my journey with you. No I do not have a surgery date yet I go to the doctors on may23 and If I'am down another 5lbs I will be set up to meet the surgeon and then I will be given a surgery date. lets both set back enjoy the ride and fly high together to the losing side. Have faith in your self I will help you to get thru to losing the weight you need to lose by motivating you on e-mail and telling you what I did to lose the 11lbs we will lift each other
It is funny that we are both named Judy. How did you lose the 11 pounds? I need to lose 20 or 25. I was given a sheet that just says how many grams of protein and how many grams of carbohydrates to eat a day. I had my colonoscopy on after eating clear liquids a day and the horrible prep procedure - I thought that it would be a good time to start. I did great until I went out of town for the weekend last week. I am still trying to get back on track on the diet. I have scheduled everything finally. I'm not sure that all doctors are as picky as my surgeon. i couldn't believe the number of test that I have to take. Scheduling it all and working seemed overwhelming. I've finally got it all together. The sleep study is scheduled for Saturday night.
I really do think I've had sleep apnea problems for a couple of years. I am looking forward to feeling better. When I get apprehensive about the procedure - I think of all the things that I used to be able to do that I think I will be able to do again. I think of all the hurtful things that people have said or done to me because I am fat. Then I know that it is the right thing to do. My mother fought with being heavy and eventually it destroyed her health. She had 3 strokes, diabetes, heart disease and a lousy quality of life for the last few years. My older sister is heavy also. She has horrible health problems also. Maybe I can lose weight and get my health back. I turned 50 in March and vowed to be in better condition by the time I get 51. Do you ever wonder what you'll look like when you've lost the weight? I was thin until I had me second daughter(1991) and I've picked up a little every year since. I used to think that I would look just like I did when I was thin if I ever got the weight off. Now I realize that I'm 50 - there is now way I'm going to look like I did at 36. I will have my daughter help me put a picture of myself on my profile. Thanks for responding. My husband is a little supportive, my kids are not, my coworkers are oddly interested, my boss is mad (losing her slave is hard for her) - no one who isn't in the same situation can really understand.

I lost the 11lbs from eating lean cuisine lowfat pudding yogurt and weigh****chers dinners writting down everything I eat and working out on my treadmill for 30 minutes each day. I drink over 20 cups of water a day I just love water I'am not much of a soda drinker so I can do without I do love juice But I have been drinking no juice except crystal light. I have to be honest with you I slipped a little today and had a chocolate bar and a bag of doritos and I did not work out today It's hard to stay right when my period is coming..you have nothing to worry about the sleep study is a breeze I had to sleep in the hospital twice there was a two part to the test and I slept there one day and two weeks later I had to go back hopefully they just have you there one night so you can get it over with I'am sure you are aggravated with all the test but I guess they have to be cautious but it can be very fustrating waiting.I'am happy to be done with everything but I had all the test already before I had even decided or even thought about having the surgery. I'am so sorry to hear about your mom you know it is really hard to lose a parent I never thought both of my parents would die so young.people have said alot of hurtful things to me as well people do not think before they talk and seem to forget overweight people are human beings.I wonder all the time what I will look like when I lose the weight and how will I feel I constantly think about this sometimes it feels like it will never happen do you feel that way too?I TOO AM TRYING TO PUT MY PICTURE UP ON MY PROFILE i MAILED MY PICTURE IN TO OBESITY.COM but nothing up yet. why is your husband only a little supportive? and why aren't the kids happy about your decision?listen it's your body and your health and before you can make anyone else happy ypu need to make your self happy. well judy you are no ones slave and never allow yourself to be treated as suchj I may be very much younger then you but very wise and you ARE SPECIAL AND A VERY nice person dont allow any one to ever treat you less than what you are. I have family members that constantly talked about my weight and how I should work on it stop eating so much and sos on and so on but my immediate family are supporting me and my co workers and my daughter and you know what judy if it were the other way around and they werent tough luck for them I want to live and this is my life. I'am going to wrap it up cause I'am tired
I send you alot of support and
I support you and as long as you are happy with your decision thats all that matters

Sorry I did not reply sooner. Hope you are doing well. Weekends are crazy for me and I have this odd growth in one of my eyes that I have to go to Baltimore to Johns Hopkins and have an ultrasound on every six months. It took all day yesterday. I did my sleep test Saturday and it didn't go so well. I couldn't sleep. With all the wires and everything it is hard enough to sleep - but the sleep center was near a hospital that had helicopters flying in all night. They woke me up at five and told me to get ready and leave. I went home and slept. I hope I didn't fail the test and have to do it over. I didn't really enjoy it.
You asked why my husband is not very supportive. Without going into it at length - we do not have a very good marriage. He moved into another room about three years ago. He says he'll support my surgery - but he eats all the time(especially when he is drinking - which is all the time) and goes and gets lots of burgers and fast food in front of me all the time. It is so not fair - he is not fat. My 14 year old daughter threw a little fit the other night because I didn't buy any ice cream. I told her that I needed to diet and that it was just too tempting. She was into the "great - just because you are on a diet - we are all suppose to suffer." They are pretty selfish. But it is MY TURN to be selfish. My kids will be gone soon and I need to lose the weight for MY health AND happiness. To be honest, I don't think I'll stay married to my husband and need to look better and feel better about myself to get a better job and maybe the confidence (and money) to leave him. My oldest daughter came home from college this weekend. I think that she may be of some help to me. When I think how hard it will be - I think of all the things that I would like to do that I can't do right now. They are just simple things - like going swimming wthout being ashamed. I would like to learn to ride a horse. Both my daughters ride horses - they compete in cross country events. I used to be able to walk the jump course with them - but I can't walk that far any more. I want to see my daughters get married and play with future grandchildren. You mentioned a daughter - how old are your children?
I've got to go - I am at work and I've got to get some things done.
sorry I havent wrote in so long as you can see I changed my sign in name but feel free to continue to call me by my real name .how are you?are you doing okay with your weight loss.I wanted to answer your question I have only one daughter who is 12 going to be 13 on june 28 I'am getting old I hope to have at least one more at least before I'am 36 I will be 33 this september well we shall see .I have some news I went to the doctors the other day and I have lost a total of 16.4lbs and I 'am scheduled to meet with the surgeon on the 20 of june I'am so happy I hope all is well with you and that you are not through with being my penpal cause I enjoy having you to talk with well take care and I hope all is well