31 year old 1 month post op needs ebuddies desperately
I'm a 31 year old female in Pennsylvania. Had R&Y Gastric Bypass on Valentines day. Having alot of trouble with emotions. Actually regretting ever having it done. Please feel free to email me ASAP at [email protected]. I really appreciate it. Heather Miller
I know exactly how you feel because I am having those feelings too. I am 26 and had my surgery on 2-13-06. I cried almost daily for the first 2 weeks because I wanted so many things that I could not have. Trust me, it will get better. I tell myself that daily, and this might sound stupid, but what helps me is to look through the before and after pictures here on the site. It helps me to know what I have to look forward to in the next couple of months. I am down 30 lbs. and although I don't feel or see the changes, I know that it is happening. If you ever want to talk, you can email me at [email protected]. Michele
Heather, I know how you are feeling as I have been there. I was sitting in the hospital room the day after the surgery wondering if I did the right thing.The days after with having to take care of the drainage tube, watching the food intake,etc... I thought "what did I do to myself!" I think that is common with anyone that has a life changing surgery, post op regret. But believe me girl it will pass and then you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner. The problem I had is that I wanted it all to change right away but it does take time. As they told me I didn't gain the weight over night so I had to give it time to come off and it is. I'm a year out now as of the 3rd of this month and I'm about 100lbs lighter. My health is greatly improved, I can do things I thought I'd never be able to do again, I don't have to stand trying to catch my breath for 20 minutes just from walking up to my sons school from the car. I feel like a completely different person thanks to this tool I was given. Please try to remember that your not alone and there is a very bright new life waiting for you in the future! If you need to talk drop me a line anytime. Take care and look ahead with a smile
Michelle McGillivray

Please don't regret your decision. Be patient with this and give it some time. Your body will go through some major changes and you will blossom. I think I regretted my decision the first month but now that I'm 5 months post op and feel healthier I'd never take this back ever. It's hard though for me sometimes because if you really think about it, food is 98% of everything and now you have to occupy yourself without so much of it..and for me, being heavy for so long, I have to now think about who I was and who I'm becoming now.If you need to talk email me