E-PAL NYC 23/F Looking for a pal whos planning the surgery
Hello To Everyone,
I'm a 23yr old nyc student part-time. I'm planning on having the surgery, I've been researching as much as I can about it all for a year now. It'll take me about 2 months from now to get my surgery date and I'm a little scared. I'm 316 and 5"4 I'm just looking for some support and someone to talk to who's local or my own age going into this as well. It doesn't really matter though I think it would be nice just to talk to anyone. E-mail me at [email protected] .... Subject= OH PenPal
aol IM= VenusStarDust
Lots of prayers and love to everyone doing this.

Hi! I saw your note andjust wanted to tell ya - that I started exactly where you are- my highest was 325 and was @315 before surgery, 8/15/05.
Im now 5.5 mos post op and down 80lbs at 245. Its amazing the transformation. I would recommend you begin doing walking and some exercise everyday or every other day- it will help you with recovery that much faster. Also, who is your surgeon? My surgeon is Shawn Garber and his website is www.stopobesityforlife.com . He is the best surgeon and I settled on him after talking to a few others. And it was the best decision I ever made.
I started out in size (tight) 26 and 22/24 tops and now wear 18/20 jeans
and womens size L. Even 14/16 is big. I take my workouts seriously and try to do them 3xweek wth 5xweek my goal . I no longer have to shop at LBryant or Avenue etc. I shop at Kohls, Target, Dress Barn and its great.
But the really great thing is seeing how your body handles recovery after working out. I started doing 25mns cardio & now do 65mins and 30-45 weight training and swimming. hot tub & sauna.
It really is the best gift you can give yourself. If you are looking for a great group of people - come to the Singles Message Board- we have a great time.
Good luck! & Hugs,