Lookin' for a PP from Ohio
Hi Heather.
Congratulations on your success! I live in northeast Ohio. Don't know if you were looking for a PP closer to home...
I had RNY 9/01. Had to navigate the sea of issues post op as the support was much worse than the minimal available today. I am happy to share my experiences and lessons learned along the way.
About me: I am married, mother of 2 boys (12/10). I am the ED of a small non-profit. I am 42. I am not fat. I don't think like a fat person anymore. I do not have a fear of success. I faced my old behaviors/patterns head on. For some, I may come off too strong, confident, etc., but life is too short to waste time letting things happen...I have learned to take control and make things happen. Oh yeah, 6 days a week I am completely in control of my eating/exercise, etc. 1 day a week I pig out. I have not gained weight post op (very common to gain, after year 2 BTW), and continue to lose about 2#/month. As of this AM I am 10# from my goal of 129. Started at 278.
I am happy to keep in touch if you are interested. If not, no feelings hurt...I get my love at home.

Hi Heather I'm Kelly 31 yrs. old, congrats on your surgery and the new journey you have started
,myself i am Hoping to have surgery soon, but i'm scared
and excited all at the same time.I have a very loving husband and (kindda) supportive family (they are just scared for me),my husbands work offers a very good insurance that does cover the surgery if medically proven,soooooo its just a waiting game until Jan. when his insurance kicks in. I come on this site and look at peoples pics and think that could be me someday,i hope,i'm really new to this i didn't even know you could be someones pen pal. I'm in Findlay Ohio up by the lake. I have been to Cincinnatti (kings island) not fun if your a bbw
ALOT of walking, well anytime you want to write to me feel free
, my email is [email protected]
hope you have a great day (mine lately have been kindda down)