Penpal for a Canadian, please!
Hiya Tammy....
Nicole here... I too am lookin into havin WLS next summer sometime... if you wanna chat... my email is [email protected] ...
take care...

Hey Gurl.....
How's it going? I hope all's well..
I was planning on going to Michigan for my WLS until I heard of Dr. Starr... am waiting to receive my consult... I was told by his nurse that it would either be in late October or early November .. than surgery next summer..I will be going to Toronto. I myself am 31... married.. have 2 kids... my son Hunter is 7 and my daughter Mackenzie is 10... they are pretty much the reason I want to have WLS too... am 5'4 and weigh 340lbs...I want a change.. I want to be able to be there for them...
I worked for the Red Cross for the longest time.. then went on to work Security... I just graduated from police foundations...but am not exactly in the best shape to I could sit in the car and eat donuts though..
so now am going back to school once again... am taking social services and drug & alcohol counselling.. I want to combine the two so I can work with teens...
I think it's kewl that you're a that's what I always wanted to do... am pretty open and honest too...
on here or email is kewl with me... am so anxious to have WLS... the waiting part sure sucks though...
am anxiously awaiting my for my consult date.. then I can go to Toronto and
Well just wanted to say hi and wish ya a great night.. take care Gurl...

Hi Nicole,
Wow! Girl, u r fast...I just posted that message afew minutes ago.
I'm with you though, the waiting really does suck.
I won't write too much because my husband Jamie wants mee to come downstairs and spend some quality time together.
LOL! He's been up north with our girls all week to give me a break, and now he misses his wife.
Lol. Go figure. He says I spend too much time on the computer chatting, too much apparently. Oh well, I enjoy it!

Hiya Tammy I hear ya there.. my husband says the same.. we're always in separate rooms
it seems he doesn't like my we never go anywhere together.. it's funny though now he tells me he wants to go to Toronto with me for my consult... that'll be a first..
oh well he better want to go well just wanted to say good mornin and wish ya a great day..
take care gurl...

Hello Nicole
...I'm finally home from our holiday weekend, and trying to get my house in order for the new school/work year.
, but it sucks, cuz I hate cleanin'.
. Unfortunately it all has to be done because I have 2 interviews tomorrow morning for my Home Daycare business.
Anyway...I am home now, can't remember if I gave u my msn or not, here it is: [email protected] .
Talk to ya,

Hey Tammy...
I so hear ya... am back to school tomorrow as Am anxious but not that anxious..the summer was too nice.. hey good luck with your interviews
...just wanted to say hi ... am going over to my parents place for a party with kids... you have a great day and I hope all goes well.. take care..

Hey Nicole
How r ya? Good to be back. I love holidays, but I love getting back to the grind of things.
Thanks for the good wishes, have a good day at your pasrents house.
You changed your hair, it looks great! R u a hairstylist? Your hair looks so good in your pics...
Oh ya, what the hell r u doin' up at 6 am for? I don't get up that early unless there is a good reason. I thought you were a stay-at-home mom?
Have a great last day of summer
, take care!