PenPal Wanted
Hi Sara, congratulations on your big day tomorrow. How very exciting. You and I have a lot in common. I am also married with no kids. I am older than you though. The big 32 . My husband and I have been married 6 years and together 10 years. I wanted surgery first before starting a family. We are going to try a year from now. Anytime you want to chat I am here. You will be in my prayers all day tomorrow. Hugs from Maui P.S. We are visiting San Antonio in the summer of 2007. Very excited.
Hi Sara,
My name is Tammy Patterson, I am also looking for a pen-pal. I see you have just had wls as it is August 30th. I hope everything went well.
I live in Ontario, Canada. I am looking for someone far away to chat with about all of this stuff too. I am pre-op, surgery next August.
If you would like to become pen-pals just reply, I'm always here.
Feel Better,
Tammy Patterson