Pals Always Wanted!
Good day, everyone! My name is Bela. I"m a 29 year old gal, separated, and have 2 children, ages 5 and 9. I live in SE Tennessee, but would love to meet pals from anywhere.
I have several penpals at the moment, all over the world. But I think it is even more personal to be able to have WLS penpals. I don't really talk about my weight or health problems with my other pals, as I don't think they'd understand. Plus it's so much easier to talk about these issues with someone who has and/or is going through the same problems, as well.
Feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. I can also be reached on Yahoo IM, under the ID belagayatri.
Take care and be well!
Brightest Blessings,

on 9/22/05 7:31 am
on 9/22/05 7:31 am
Hello Bela:
Is it pronounced BELL-A? That means "beautiful" in Italian, you know.
I live in Florida, am 57 and am waiting approval to have lapband surgery.
I'd love to email and keep in touch. And I'll add you to my yahoo IM. On there I'm abandster....thus my email address: [email protected].
Hope to hear from you soon.
La Wanda