Looking for a pen pal
Hello everyone! I have been to this site numerous times for lots of info and encouragement! I found it very helpful. Just happened to stumble across this page though. I requestred an angel some time ago and still have gotten no response. So I guess I will try for a pen pal. I am 30 yrs old, currently reside in St. Louis, MO. Origionally from Houston, TX. I am very bubbly, down to earth person. Hoping to chat w/pen pal with in my age group.
Hi. My name is Depsy. I'll be 30 on July 22nd. I'm married with a 2 year old daughter. have you had surgery yet, or still just thinking about it? i had surgery on May 13th, 05. I lost 40 pound so far. You can e-mail me anytime. at [email protected]
Talk to you soon, Depsy
Hi there. I am 32 years old and live outside Amarillo, TX. I am also looking for support. I am scheduled for a consult Aug 11 with my surgeon. I went through this process about 1 1/2 years ago but we moved and I had to change insurance companies so I had to start process all over again. Do you have a surgery date? Well I would love to get to know you better.

Hello Sammie,
Thanks for your response. I have not gotten started yet. I went thru Livlite and called my current insurance carrier myself to only find out that they do not cover wls. I am trying to find a different provider that does cover and has benefits within my area. Good luck to you on yout consult and I hope that you become one of the successful losers on this site. Keep in touch!