50+ norcal Kaiser gal looking for a penpal
I am 51 and from Texas. I am not sure what a Kaiser patient is and would like to learn. I had WLS on 11/30/04 and have lost 104 pounds. I am now diabetes free and would love to visit if you would like.
Write [email protected].
thank, Pam Richardson (Pammee)
Hi Lovely!
My name is Carolyn, 40 years old and I am also a Kaiser member...yes, unfortunately it DOES take time with them. I told my primary Dr. in February that I wanted to have the surgery and here it is Aug. already. My last psych appt. is Aug. 31st, and if I lose 5 more lbs by this date the Doc sez he will most likely schedule the surgery at the end of September. I don't complain about it anymore though, like i used to....if you read some others stories on this site, our wait is a drop in the bucket! I live in Woodbridge, which is right next door to Lodi. E-mail me anytime-it would be fun to exchange notes.
[email protected]