giving up my fight for weight loss surgery
hi all this joe i just wanted to take some time to thank everyone on this web sit who showed surpport to me in my quest for weight loss surgery and a better life. i had a date back in march for surgery but was called off by the doctor because he said i was not mentally ready he was right at the time i just moved in to a new house with my wife threedays later i had pre surgery testing well that did go well i was not a good boy at the pre surgery testing i shot off my big mouth when i should of kept it shut three days before surgery my doctor calls me and said i would like you to see a psychologist for a while then when the psychologist thinks you are ready for surgery have him call me then we will talk about a new surgery date well four weeks later the psychologist says iam ready for surgery now i fell iam ready as well but two weeks later i have not heard from the doctor about a new surgery date i have called his office they tell me that my file is on his desk and he will be back in the office this wednesday i know in my hart that this surgery wont happen . funny thing is i have doctors tell me ihave to have the surgery or my hart and lungs will start to fail in five years i have done everything they wanted me to do and more. ihave been told by my ins company if i dont have my surgery by july 14 i will have to start this all over again from the start and i dont think i should have to do that so i guess i will die a fat man. i think the best thing for me to do is go hide from the world were no one can find me not even my wife well thanks to everyone who was nice to me and try to help me. joe
oh come on have GOT to think positive about this whole thing.
I don't know you, however, if the Dr. said you weren't probably weren't. NOW YOU ARE!!! So, my advice to you is...keep calling the Dr. about your date and explain to him what the insurance company said. If he (the surgeon) is NOT willing to help you....go look for a second opinion. Joe- ALL I know that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Why do think this surgery is not going to happen? Believe in your heart and mind that it WILL happen. My date was postponed- well here I am only 2 days away from my surgery. I have to stay positive..and so do you! I REALLY don't think you are "gonna die a fat man." Keep your patience but be's a long road Joe~ Keep up your end and I'm sure everything will work out best for you.
Feel free to write me back.
Take care,

Please do not give up the fight. I believe in my heart that you are ready now. It is easy to lose sight of your dream of WLS but step out of the box, realize your dream and believe in yourself. Your wife needs you and you need her! She does not want to lose you! Patience is a virtue that many of us do not have but we can if we just sit back and focus. God will sustain you!
open rny 6/4/02
I know what it feels like when you feel that the world is closing in and nobody can change this feeling....I think that you may be suffering from mild depression and are also soooo overwhelmed! You need to take time out and ask yourself if you are ready for this......because you may be ready physically but not mentally. I hope that you get approved by your surgeon but before you do this.....please take some time for yourself. I will be praying for you. Don't give up....the whole world wants you to do this. Just remember that God is sitting beside you. You may not see him but trust me.....he IS there.