28 f just starting a new life
Hey Jennifer,
How exciting..you got approved!!! I just got approved a few weeks ago.
I was SUPPOSE to be post-op right now but the Dr. rescheduled my LAP-RNY for this Wednesday the 27th. What type of surgery will you be having? All last week I was scared "out of my mind" too. I couldn't sleep at all..all I kept thinking about was the SURGERY!!
I am much better now. I take each day as it comes. It's a big decision..one that took me over a year to come to. I am excited and happy about my choice. I can't wait to have a happier and healthier life.
When you go to your seminar...ask a lot of questions...find out everything you need to know. The more info. you get, the less scared you'll be.
Write back and let me know how it goes.
Take care,