Can Someone Please Tell Me...
Can someone please tell me how much time I will be looking at between my first appointment with the surgeon, to the actual surgery itself? I have medicare and medicaid, so I am told I don't need prior approval, the doctor just does the surgery and then bills the insurances. I don't know if this is correct, cause this Thursday will be my first visit. Can someone tell me if I do need prior approval, how long will it be? Also my doctor prescribed the surgery because I have coronary heart disease, COPD (asthma & emphysema) high b/p, high cholesterol, acid reflux, hineal hernia, and sleep apnea. I think that will qualify me medically!! Thank you for any help on this subject...............Carla

Hi Carla,
My hospital requires 6 months of nutritional support, that includeds 2 support group meetings, monthly weigh ins also, you see the Dr (gastroenterologist) at least once. You must be seen once a month by the nutritional support dept..and then, after 6 months, they send you to a surgeon. This is done so the patient is prepared for life after surgery. They do this no matter what surgery you have. You might call your surgeons office and speak with the secretary, she should be able to answer your questions better..
God Bless,
Hi, i started in February, and i had my nutrtion class twice and my psych evaluation and i am just getting my appt with the surgeon on thursday, so from what i understand after you have those test and any other test you may need, it is about 6 weeks once you see the surgeon. That's what i am told but i have not experienced it yet, i guess we'll both find out on thursday. Good luck!