Just Beginning
Hey, Ya'll. I am a thirty two year old mother to a 3 year old and a wife to a full time college student, as well as a 6th grade teacher.
I live in northeast Georgia, really close to the SC line. I am just beginning this journey into WLS -going to the first required info session on Saturday, but am determined to see it through.
I would love to meet someone in about the same stage so we can help each other through it all.

Hey Susan, My name is Gwen Ballard. I live in Huntsville, Alabama. I too am just starting this journey. I went to the seminar 2 weeks ago and since then I have met with the surgeon and his dietician, Had my psch test, saw my family doctor and got her approval and letter, saw a cardiologist and got his ok. I still need to see my sleep apnea doctor to get his ok and I quit smoking last saturday after smoking for 30 years. And let me tell you it has been a roller coaster ride. I finally got my family doctor to prescribe Wellbutrin to take the edge off. I was already nervous and excited about the whole thing so the meds help. I've been a busy girl. I'm a 47 year old grandmother of nine. My BMI was 54.9 and I'm only 5"3", so I really need the surgery. Every doctor so far has given their approval. I'm looking at having the surgery the end of February. I have worked at a local hospital for 17 years. My sister had the operation 3 years ago and is doing great.
I find myself going between being really excited and scared to death at the same time but I am soooo ready for a lifestyle change. I'm ready to start living instead of just existing. How about you?
I hope I hear from you, I'd like to be pen pals.
You may email me if you like at: [email protected]
Keep smiling. Brighter days are coming.
Hey Susan,
I am a 24 year old, mom of a 3 year old. I am a stay at home mom and a full time Independant Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay.
I live in northeast Georgia near Gainsville. I also have just started my journy through the WLS. I have been through my first informational appointment. I have just been approved with the insurance and now I am playing the waiting game. I am suppose to find out this week what is goign on with my surgery.
I am hoping that I will be starting the surgical process later this week.
I would love to here more from you and also maybe carry through this journey together.
Hi Susan,
I am just beginning also. I have been reading these boards for about 10 hrs a day for the past week. I live in Ellenwood, Georgia which is a suburb of Northern Henry County. I know what you're thinking, how do I live in Atlanta! It's crazy, but where I live there are horses and cows and homes on 4 and 5 acre lots and farms with old silos in the yard so I have my nitch of the country in near the city.
I am 146 lbs over weight. BMI is 45. I'm 5'9 so hid a lot of weight for a long time, but now the truth is just out. I'm fat! and I hate it. I'll be 39 in a week and I'm determined not to take all this weight into my 40th birthday. Hence here I am.
I'm not sure if WLS is for me, RNY seems so permanent and then lapband sounds scary because of the high percentage that have to be redone. 34% that's a lot.
I'm going to read and pray and trust the Lord for the answers.
Anyway, nice to meet you.

My name is Deb and I am 47 and in the inital phase of my weight loss journey. I attended a seminar given by the surgeon I have chosen in late Nov. The first appt. I could get to see him was Jan 25. It went well and he said I am a great candidate for the surgery. I hate to admit it, but I had gone over 300 lbs (I had been appx 330 lbs 5 yrs ago when I went on a low fat diet and lost 90 lbs). I SWORE I would NEVER get to 300 again, let alone go over it....yet, I found I was 304 at my appt last week. :*(
I have to see a Cardiologist today, a Gastrointerologist on Valentine's Day (what a gift...*lol*), and then a Pulmonologist on Feb 15th (yippeee.....I just got a call yesterday moving my appt from March 1 to the 15th of Feb!!!). I hope all goes well!
I am 'hoping' to have my surgery late March or early May (although sooner would be better...). Supposedly they should hear about my Ins. approval end of Feb or early March. I am praying that all is approved!
To tell a little more about me I am a 47 yr old wife/mother/grandmother. I would love to share my journey with you! Its wonderful to have someone to confide in/learn from/get support etc etc.