so may look at a post but very few answer.
are they looking for something special... I think we are all special... You maybe looking for someone not needy... I dont know... All I know is I need help with support. I deal with depression,panic. am bone on bone on hip. i weigh 419 right now i started out at 486. i have no support. I feel like im going through this all alone. I dont know if others feel this same way.
any way... you probably wont answer . but if you at least you may have read it...
Bye, Good Luck on your surgery or weight loss.
Lynne A
if you want you can email me at [email protected]
but you probably wont do that either
bye now
Hi Lynne,
I am new to this site and really had no intentions on posting a message to anyone, but I believe that just about everyone who is on this site needs or needed support at some time or another. I have not had WLS, but if you would like a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on...I AM YOUR WOMAN. hopefully all is well with you and maybe I will receive a response from you.
Hi Lynne
I have been where you are at too. I was almost 400 before my surgery. I weighed 386 and then lost 18lbs, so at surgery weighed 368. Back in my younger years I weighed close to 450. I lost down to 180 then had medications I was taking cause me to put weight back on and motional problems with a divorce and all I eat. But I am now 56 been there done that every type of diet you name it. When I was a teenager I did the best thing I thought to loose and keep my weight off you know the word bolemic(sorry for spelling). Sure messed up my asphagus(again spelling bad)I sure hope you can sound it out in the the throat area. So I know how you feel. Iam there for you too. If you read my posting that I left yesterday you see how far I have came and I am so glad to have this second chance in life. I have problems with the hips. I havent had them xrayed yet. It is bad enough finding out about the knees and the spurs on my spine. You email anytime. I will be glad hear from you!! JJ
Lynne I know the feeling I rarely post anything the last time I did no one replied and to tell ya the truth I really didn't care. I was never one for clicks or groups I alway try to love everyone the same. I am so proud of you and your weight lose it will take time but as the weight reduces you begin to feel better.
Yes Lynne I dealt with depression and panic attacks so I went to my PCP and got a medication to help me through the hell I was going through. After 3 diff meds I do believe we may have found a winner. My highest weight at 5'2" was 277, and all my bones hurt I had to have toe nails removed due to arthritis in my toes and feet since I have lost 102# my joints and feet feel alot better.
I understand you have more weight to lose than I did but understand you are not alone, the pain inside is still the same and all the fears are there. I work and have a highly demanding family, but I will do my very best in emailing you. If you want you can always email me [email protected] I check my mail at least everyday sometime I miss a day.
Your new friend
Hi Lynne
My name is Cindy if you ever want to talk just e-mail me i would love talk with you,you are losing that is great
I to do not post a lot
Sometimes I think what I have to say is foolish or silly
but it is still something I would like to know
thats why I mostly just read, but If I can help in any way I will
Remember It will take time but so far you are doing great!!!!!!!!
I had open RNY 6 months ago & have done ok
keep positive thoughts going & take your vitamins & drink drink.........
drink plenty of fluilds.
You are a wonderful person and we all love you
[email protected]
your friend Cindy