Still confused
I have been researching for about 18 months and I still get overwhelmed and confused. I go through times when I am gung ho about having it and then there are times when I am tired of thinking about it and don't want any part of it. I think the best place to start is in prayer because you need assurance that you are making the right decision. Also, OH is a huge help in reading the message boards and reaching out to others. Hang tough.
why dont you start your journey by going to an informational meeting, that will explain everything, your options, pros and cons, possible complications...usually the hospitals that have a bariatric department offer them. then you can decide what to do next, that should help you. Thats where i started, and i am now scheduled to have my op 8/25/04. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!!!
I am still waiting for approvel just put in the approvel on friday and right now it is early wednesday morning, so I'm looking at surgery HOPEFULLY by the end of this year, early next year, I wish you good luck on your new life once the surgery is done, you have my prayers that everything works great and that you have no major complications! GOOD LUCK!

Kathy: I know what you are feeling. I have beem looking into the surgery for about two years. I finally sat down one night and weighed out my pros and cons of having the surgery and I told myself that I HAD to do it. I went to a seminar and from the moment I walked in I knew I made the right choice. I have not yet had the surgery I am still going through pre-op stuff like my Psych eval and trying to get apporved through my insurance. But I would really suggest that you go to a seminar and really think about WHY you want wls and it may help you. Even make little posters of things that will motivate you and hang them places that you see several times a day. Even if it is just a poem or song on one of the posters. It may sound a little weird BUT believe me it will help with the mental part of making a choice.

I am the same way! I had my dr. tell me about the gastric dr. so that was simple and the insurance / amount i have to pay i can handle. I said I would not get excited untill the dr. says i am good for it. Then I can really think about it. I keep a notebook on the couch so when I am relaxed questions come to mind. I see my dr. in two weeks. 1st i am trying not to think about it much. My parents are really for it. But my primary dr. I have his support and thats whats helping me threw this part. Good luck I would just find a dr. and one who can do you and not worry over anything till he tells you he can do it. Then you will still have time to change your mind.
Good luck stay in touch I am seeking a pen pale by the way,
Kellie 37f South Carolina 260