Looking for others willing to share the journey
Trish, Super to hear from you! You sound PERFECTLY wonderful. I have family from Calf. I remember driving across the country (we live in ALABAMA) in a 1965 1/2 Mustang (1965 1/2 mustangs are more rare and my dad still has his) to see my uncle. My mom and dad and sister---we had no air conditioner....most cars didnt back then. When we arrived it was a different world. We stayed about a month so we really began to fit in with the neighborhood kids---one thing I learned is that YOU NEVER WALK BAREFOOT on the street IN JULY IN TAFT CALF.--- hot---hot---hot---. It felt like I was walking on hot coles like the firewalkers!
Hey, I teach 1st grade? LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! I have 16 years experience and hope to retire at 25. My son will be in college and I can move to another state and teach 10 more years and draw double retirement--My hubby wants to move to Key West, FLA. I am open to where-ever. I spent 12 years living near Atlanta, GA and only came home to be near my Mom and Dad. I really HATE our small town--so clicky! From 3 questions people decide if you are worthy of a relationship. 1. Where do you live? 2. What does you dad (or hubby) do for a living? and 3. What church do you attend? REALLY KINNDA STEPFORD IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT.
Enough about me---tell me about you. How great to have a daughter. I have a stepdaughter. She is 14 and very athletic...that is good but I wish that I could have one that I could dress in smocked dresses with giant BOWS --little shirley temple. I even had a girl name that was so southern picked out--Kate Ross. We LOVE to give double names here in ALABAMA! It is a old family name----really.
Thanks for the birthday greetings! I had a super day. My son gave me a pink, fuzzy, sparkly tiera to wear and declared me the QUEEN. He referred to me all day as her royal highness. My hubby grilled--he is some cook....I got a swing for enjoying the late afternoons in the neighborhood.
Hey, I have surgery before you. I will tell you EVERYTHING! Tell me to stop if you do not want more info. I am praying that I will be brave and not whine too much.
Well, gotta go. Have a safe and happy July 4th. Renise
they should treat u good on your b-day
you have my 1st date for wls; my daughter was fun growing up I remember when she was 6mo old I had washed all her clohes,and was trying them all on and taking photo of each outfit by poloroid, my husband came home, said she's not a doll & ran 2 doors down to his moms to check=her out
yes we live in a small town too, we feel likerobots too sometimes, wen can share our journey together,happy I found you