I need help looking for information and what to do about the information I get...
I'm just starting out in researching options...My hubby had wls in 2001 and lost 195, but had major problems from wls too. Kind of worried, but I know the risk's, that's not my worry. My biggest worry is I don't have much in the way of proof of all the diets I've tried. I haven't always had health coverage, so some I did on my own. I now have Secondary Progressive Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis and I'm getting worse, I now quailfy for Medicare and in a month I will be receiving Medicaid with a spenddown, but I'll have it! I need to have some things checked out to be sure of what problems I do have, one of those problems is my sleep. I also have type 2 diabetes that right now I control with diet and such.
In other words I'm a mess!
I want wls for what my future is bringing me and thats a wheelchair, I'm afraid that if I don't or can't loose weight then my health will only worsen with me in a wheelchair and I dont want that. Anyone out there who has any help, suggestions, comments, or otherwise to help me.. please do so... I'm more worried about being my size in a wheelchair then I suppose is normal, but MS and weight sure don't mix well!

Hi Laura! Cheer up. Problems can be helped! There are several free clinics out there that you can try, just look for them on the internet near you. Then sit down with a piece of paper and and a pen and write down all the diets you have tried and for how long and how many pounds you lost. Include acupuncture, therapy, Atkins, diet pills, anything you can think of. Then search out a surgeon that can help you. I believe medicare will help pay for the costs of WLS if not the whole thing. Sometimes you might have to appeal it, but it is well worth it. If you follow the plan that the doctors give you, hopefully it will limit your chances of complications. Also, I believe you mentioned sleep problems, well, there are Schools out there that are teaching new doctors the way things are done, and most of them you can volunteer for. try looking for some of those. Also. there are many chat rooms for MS and maybe you can find someone to help you deal with that. Keep your spirits high! Leah
Hello Ina;
I just logged in and decided to check my email and I found you.
My main email program and addy is [email protected]; I use that email addy most. Thanks for your reply!!!!
What troubles did you have getting Medicare and Medicaid approvel? I pay for both the insurances so I want to use them the most as possible.
I really need to locate where to go on the web to check out the surgery.
Any help please email me at [email protected]
I have spam blocker on that email account and I check it everyday so if you do reply its possible to that you'll get an email back stating that I need to add you to my contact information so that your email addy won't be placed in the wrong folder.... I will watch for your addy and have it transfered to my current account... Please email me when you can!
Thanks for the help!
Laura L.