Canadian- looking for penpal
Diana: Hello Canadian!
My name is Karen and I had the surgery on Feb 10,2004. I am 49 and have 2 daghters and 2 grandsons. I waited about a year before I had surgery also. But now I am on the losing side..I would love to be your penpal! If interested, please email me at: [email protected]

i can help you in your problems with a simpe tea from plants from Romania,who will make you to enjoy in your life
give a chance at your life
you will not regret
contact me at [email protected]
Hi my name is Dianna and I had wls on 06-14-99 and to date have lost 117 lbs. and I am doing great, I am 57 and have never felt better.I went from a 22w to a 10-12 misses, and I would do it all over again, I think I am one of the people who had no problems I went in on monday had the surgery came home on thursday and had no problems. My insurance would not pay for the surgery, so my husband got the money from his retirement fund and paid $12,500 so I could have the surgery, I think today more insurance co. are paying for the operation, I know when I go for my check-ups my ins. pays for the visit and bloodwork, anyway don't give up just keep trying, and remember this is not an instance fix for weight loss it is for life, and after about 2 years and your body get adjusted to the surgery you can even gain back some of the weight you have lost so you will still have to watch what you eat, and some things you will never be able to eat again, I still after 5 years can't eat pasta make me sick everytime also chinese food can't eat it really makes me sick and sweets will give me the runs so i have to be careful how much i eat or I will stay in the bathroom, but all in all I am glad I did it.
Hey Diana...I would love to e-mail with you. After researching for over a year as well I had surgery 5 months ago. Would love to swap stories and I would be a great support for when you have yours'. Your going to not have one regret having this done!!
Anyway write back and tell me a little bit about yourself.