pen pal in TX?
Hi, my name is Cathy and I will be having surgery on March 10 at BTC in Wylie with Dr. Wiltse. I am looking for someone to talk to, and walk this journey with. My family is family is great, but I would love someone who truly understands this to talk to and share things with. I am in Mc Kinney TX, just north of the Dallas area and would love someone close to get together to support each other. I will also pen pal with anyone else, as you can never have too many friends! Good luck to anyone embarking on this journey and congratulations to everyone post-op!!
Hey Cath!
I would love to be your penpal! I too am having the surgery in Wylie. That is of course if I am approved! I was denied and have sent in my appeal. They said they would have an answer for me by the end of February. Not to far off now! Keep your fingers crossed for me ok? My dr. will be Raymond Capps. Email me and we can "chat!"
Hi Cathy!
My name is Paula and I live south of you between Waco and Austin. Course I live a little off the beaten track in a small town called Copperas Cove which is right outside of Ft. Hood, TX.
I see from your surgery date, your first week is nearly over! That's great!! It'll only get better from me
I had my surgery on March 1st in Denton by Dr. Daryl Stewart. Everything has gone well - no complications...thank the good Lord.
I'd love to hear from you when you're up to writing.

Hi Cathy,
My name is Deanna, I'm in Denision Texas just a little ways north of you. I'm in the preop stage got insurance approval and waiting for my first doc visit which is April 15. I would love to keep in touch with you, and support u in any way I can. I really could use someone to talk to too about all this. Love to hear from you
God bless you,