Hi!! I think this forum is a great idea! My name is Sandi. I am 36 years old, married with two step sons. I live in Alabama. I had Lap RNY on 8-26-03 and have lost a total of 120 pounds so far. I am on a pleatue(sp?) from hell right now and trying to get off of it. I still have a long way to go! I have gone from 375 pounds to 255. I would love to talk to anybody who want to be penpals whether they be post op themselves or investigating the process. I am an equal opportunity penpal so no descrimination no matter your age, sex, creed, religious or sexual preferences! LOL! Just drop me a line, I would love to hear from you! You can drop me a line at [email protected] . Hope to have a mailbox full of letters soon!!

Hello Sandi: I saw your penpal wanted on this site and decided to email. I am 49, have 2 daughters, a loving man, and had my surgery on Feb 10,2004. I would love to be your penpal also. You can email me at; [email protected] Oh, by the way my name is Karen

Hi ya Sandi,
I see that you are from Alabama. Have you tried the Bama board? We are a pretty supportive group. There's always someone there. Many of us post every day, sometimes 2-3 times a day. I'm sure you will find many ladies and/or gents ready to lend an ear,shoulder, or hand. Any way good luck on your journey.
Hi Sandi, My name is Lee Ann I'm 37, married with 2 daughters and I'm 6yrs post-op. Wow, 120lbs? That's great! Before you know it that pleatue will be a thing of the past. I'm looking for a penpal too. You can never have too many friends right? If you'd like to be my penpal here's my address [email protected]
Have a great day!
Lee Ann (: