anyone in their 50's? Have some questions, need a pal
Hi, I Know how your are feeling, the insurances gave me a runaround but they finally authorized surgery is may 3rd..I am going to be 49, yes I am scared, its like when i had my kids, scared to death about deliveries but loved the end result...i wll let you know how my journey goes, I am in PHX AZ..good luck Patsy Watinks p.s WOULD LOVE TO BE YOUR PENPAL
Thanks Patsy. Last week I went for psych eval and to see the nutrionist, that was easy. The nutritionist told me not to worry about insurance, I will be covered. I also the OR schedule for May 19th and saw my name, sometimes its nice working in the hospital! Good Luck to you on May 3rd, you will do just fine

Hello I am 57 I started my journey about two months ago I have completed all my test. But hit a bump in road. I do hope to clear this and go forward. I really want to do this surgery . I feel I may be too old for this,but the doctor asure me I am not. So to all 50 plus charge.....................forward to new beginnings.rosapain
Hi, thanks for responding. I work at the hospital, I prep all the pts for surgery, and after a few months of getting bypass pts ready, and talking to them I went to the doc for a consult, it was very encouraging. That was last month. Last week I went to see the psychiatrist and the nutritionist, it was quite easy. My surgery is scheduled for May 19th. Good luck to you, hope you get everything worked out so you can get a surgery date! Judy
Hi Jflyny thank you so much for acknowledgement no one responds back so I assume its old ad. again congrat. too you I am praying for best I have wanted to do this for over ten yrs,but for what ever reason I didnt weight enough,In 2007 the surgen 's assistance screwed up my paper work. So I decide to try again I dont give up easy;but I feel this should be my last year to try this out I feel I am to old for this.You know I would love to skate with my grands, play hidesee for more then ten mins. In my head I feel youger but my body is saying something esle. Like I said I am so happy for you god bless PRAYING FOR ONLY THE BEST FOR YOU.rosapain
Hey jflyny, I am willing to listen to you, I am 58 and no definite surgery date but looking at june, I got very excited at first and then started having doubts and the I began to get excited again and now I am having doubts about having the surgery, I worry about the long term effects, and what it will be like years down the road, but i just need to stop that and quit doubting my decision. Thanks for listening and I will be here for you.