looking for penpal
I had my surgery 2 years ago and I am not doing well, I don't have a support group near. The one I went to had gastric bypass people and I didn't fit there. I need to get moving but it is still pretty confusing to me about the food. I am single and love to cook so thats not a problem. I just seem hungry alot.
Hi Debbie :
Nice to meet you -- Sometimes it is tuff and you do get hungry i do understand from my doc it will happen but as long as youre eating the right foods -- protein first -- yum yum lol - and drinking alot of water - i cartry a water bottle all the time and keep sipping - it does help out a bit .. Where are tyou from? Hope to talk soon Darleen
Nice to meet you -- Sometimes it is tuff and you do get hungry i do understand from my doc it will happen but as long as youre eating the right foods -- protein first -- yum yum lol - and drinking alot of water - i cartry a water bottle all the time and keep sipping - it does help out a bit .. Where are tyou from? Hope to talk soon Darleen
HI Patsy -- I wish you all the best on the 3rd and will be thinking of you
to you -- dont be scared if you got a good doc things will go smooth.( I was out nof bed the next day by 10 am with no more meds) - Are you having the bypass or the lap band? - but either way its a step in the right direction and you will be so Happy you did it -- now you have great tings to look foward to -- feeling better, loooking better, having energy. It is an awesome feeling and Ill tell you it is the best thing I have ever done in my life and after the surgery and things start leveling out you will feel the same. But keep in touch and lets chat soon ... Darleen