Looking for a pen pal
Im new to this site also. I havent gotten my surgery date yet but they said in Nov. So fingers crossed. Do you have a surgery date yet? I have been thru most of my pre-op testing I just have to go and have an endoscopy done on the 29th. Im trying very hard to do all that pre-op stuff they suggest you do to praticwe for your post-op like not drinking a half hour after you eat and CHEW CHEW CHEW lol and get moving wich hasnt been one of my strong suites yet lol but im doing a lil better than I was. Well hopefully we can be pen pals and go thru this process together
- Sherry
Im new to this site also. I havent gotten my surgery date yet but they said in Nov. So fingers crossed. Do you have a surgery date yet? I have been thru most of my pre-op testing I just have to go and have an endoscopy done on the 29th. Im trying very hard to do all that pre-op stuff they suggest you do to praticwe for your post-op like not drinking a half hour after you eat and CHEW CHEW CHEW lol and get moving wich hasnt been one of my strong suites yet lol but im doing a lil better than I was. Well hopefully we can be pen pals and go thru this process together

Hi sherry thanks for writing me back. I do not have a date set yet I am just now going thru the process of getting my lab work and dietitian appointments I see the psychologist next month and hope with in 6 months i will have a date. Nov uh that's awesome i wish mine was closer but this way I have time to focus on changing my habits lol. which surgery are you having done? I am hoping that insurance will pay for the sleeve but if not ill prob go w the bypass. I am a lil nervous about that procedure but Dr says he recommends that so I guess that's what Ill do. It was good hearing from you
Hello Jessica
I am three and a half years out I had RNY open bypass. Doctor also took out gallbladder at time of my bypass. I asked why he said if I didn't have it removed now would be back in surgery in eight months.One of my girlfriends had surgery 2 1/2 months after I did . Her doctor did not take out her gallbladder 8 months to day she had her bypass she was back in surgery having her gallbladder taken out. I weighted 320 at my heaviest although I was told i didn't look that big,I lost 182# 3 years out doc said i needed to gain some weight because i told him people kept asking me if I was annerxic. I weigh between 175 and 178 now. I am 5'9".
The only problem i am having is a problem I had before surgery and that is ulcers.
People ask me all the time if i regret having surgery. I tell them NO that I would do it again in a heart beat.
Before I could barely breathe.I have three beautiful grandbabies well there not babies now two girls 6 and 7 and a grandson who is 4 1/2. Nana can keep up with them now and I even jump on trampoline with them something i never would have been able to do before surgrery.
advice i'd give you is make sure you get your protien in. If you don't your hair will start falling out. Another thing is things you love to eat now will taste totally different after surgery. I could not stand peanutbutter before surgery it would give me intergestion. Now peanutbutter is my favorite protien. It no longer gives me intergestion. Tropical punch protien drink was my favorite before surgery now i can't stand it. I have found that the non flavored powder that you can stick in anything is the best and ameretto cappacino put scoop of the unflavored in with the ameretto boosts the protien value and makes it creamer.
I am three and a half years out I had RNY open bypass. Doctor also took out gallbladder at time of my bypass. I asked why he said if I didn't have it removed now would be back in surgery in eight months.One of my girlfriends had surgery 2 1/2 months after I did . Her doctor did not take out her gallbladder 8 months to day she had her bypass she was back in surgery having her gallbladder taken out. I weighted 320 at my heaviest although I was told i didn't look that big,I lost 182# 3 years out doc said i needed to gain some weight because i told him people kept asking me if I was annerxic. I weigh between 175 and 178 now. I am 5'9".
The only problem i am having is a problem I had before surgery and that is ulcers.
People ask me all the time if i regret having surgery. I tell them NO that I would do it again in a heart beat.
Before I could barely breathe.I have three beautiful grandbabies well there not babies now two girls 6 and 7 and a grandson who is 4 1/2. Nana can keep up with them now and I even jump on trampoline with them something i never would have been able to do before surgrery.
advice i'd give you is make sure you get your protien in. If you don't your hair will start falling out. Another thing is things you love to eat now will taste totally different after surgery. I could not stand peanutbutter before surgery it would give me intergestion. Now peanutbutter is my favorite protien. It no longer gives me intergestion. Tropical punch protien drink was my favorite before surgery now i can't stand it. I have found that the non flavored powder that you can stick in anything is the best and ameretto cappacino put scoop of the unflavored in with the ameretto boosts the protien value and makes it creamer.