Hi Rose again, I am so anxious to get started on my journey to my operation. I keep telling myself that it is just a matter of time, but the pain never subsides.....I am not giving up, so I am going to call my surgeon tomorrow morning, maybe this way he will know that I am serious about this. See after the seminar, we have to wait until he calls us to make an appt. How do I keep myself positive, I have already stop eatting the way I use to , I can tell because my mouth always taste bad and I am riding my bike a little more.(in door bike).....Its been almost 3 weeks and no call.....Need help pin-pals.

How is it going, have you heard back from your doc yet?
I encourage you to read and study a lot during this time. It does take a while to get through his stage. It seems like they are trying to find out if you are really serous and desparate enough to endure. Try not to get discouraged. I was at your stage this time last year and today I am down 105 lbs. and I felt like this day would never come too. I had to wait 5 years till I had insurance coverage.
Please keep us posted on your progress.
I encourage you to read and study a lot during this time. It does take a while to get through his stage. It seems like they are trying to find out if you are really serous and desparate enough to endure. Try not to get discouraged. I was at your stage this time last year and today I am down 105 lbs. and I felt like this day would never come too. I had to wait 5 years till I had insurance coverage.
Please keep us posted on your progress.

Thank you so much. I would look everyday to see if there was anyone in our world (pin pals) to see if anyone had written a post, wow and here you are with exactly what I needed. I am going crazy waiting to finally meet my Doc. I am to meet with him on the 1st of Oct...I am trying to keep myself busy and being that I live alone and don't have to many friends , I do read, listen to music, but at the end of the day, I find myself looking at my weight and hating it. I often ask myself why no one calls or come over or even invite me out somewhere, well I guess I know the answer...FAT.can't walk but so far and can't stand for a long period of time.Ops! let me stop I can go on and on....lol. Its only when I lay my head down , is when I think about how I am going to look at this time next year.... I would like to know , how do you deal with the extra skin factor? Do you exercise, or wear a spanx....what do you do to get rid of the skin? Once again thank you so much, Mountainmam4..(like the name) My name is Rose...I will be looking for your reply...Have a great day....

Hi Rose
Oct. 1 is only 12 days away girl. When you consider th new life you are going to have, 12 days doesn't compare.
The exercise I enjoy the most now is walking which I could hardly do before. I had to have a knee replacement because my weight shredded the cartlidge. Now there is NO pain in walking and I have really great endurance.
For the first time I got a full-length mirror because I love looking at my smaller body. This week I got my first size 16 tight stretch jeans(instead of a size 28).
You ask about the skin, that is definitely something to deal with. I wear tight stretchy underwear. They really help me feel better and hold my belly in. Still can't wear sleeveless tops but short sleeves do hide a lot. I have looked at Spanx but not taken the plunge yet. If I worked outside my home everyday I would most likely go for it. I am more comfortable in stretch pants.
You will need to find an exercise routine that fits your lifestyle. If I stay home all the time I get lazy but now I enjoy getting out and moving around even if it is only going to Walmart and briskly walking through the store. The summer heat has kept me from getting outside as much as I need to. My secret,( if i am at home with the TV on I get up and dance around to the music of peppy commercials, with the drapes drawn of course).
If you can't tell, I am totally enjoying my life in this new body. No, life is not perfect and I have plenty of "reasons" to comfort myself with my old friend, food. Sadly I am one of the By-pass patients who can eat anything without any consequences except I feel too full. But I have gotten rid of every piece of clothing that is the least bit baggy and don't want to run around naked. It is so much fun to walk into a clothing store and realize that I can buy anything I like. Most times I buy nothing but just looking keeps me motivated.
One thing that has surprised me that I also thought would be a problem is socializing. You will be amazed at how much easier you will find it. For you it might be the fitness center, maybe a church group, maybe an art and crafts group. You will feel so much better that you will implode if you don't find an outlet for that new found energy.
You have so much ahead of you. Jump through all the "hoops" now because they lead to a better life for you.
Have a great weekend , hope you are having beautiful Fall weather like we are in the NC mtns.
Oct. 1 is only 12 days away girl. When you consider th new life you are going to have, 12 days doesn't compare.
The exercise I enjoy the most now is walking which I could hardly do before. I had to have a knee replacement because my weight shredded the cartlidge. Now there is NO pain in walking and I have really great endurance.
For the first time I got a full-length mirror because I love looking at my smaller body. This week I got my first size 16 tight stretch jeans(instead of a size 28).
You ask about the skin, that is definitely something to deal with. I wear tight stretchy underwear. They really help me feel better and hold my belly in. Still can't wear sleeveless tops but short sleeves do hide a lot. I have looked at Spanx but not taken the plunge yet. If I worked outside my home everyday I would most likely go for it. I am more comfortable in stretch pants.
You will need to find an exercise routine that fits your lifestyle. If I stay home all the time I get lazy but now I enjoy getting out and moving around even if it is only going to Walmart and briskly walking through the store. The summer heat has kept me from getting outside as much as I need to. My secret,( if i am at home with the TV on I get up and dance around to the music of peppy commercials, with the drapes drawn of course).
If you can't tell, I am totally enjoying my life in this new body. No, life is not perfect and I have plenty of "reasons" to comfort myself with my old friend, food. Sadly I am one of the By-pass patients who can eat anything without any consequences except I feel too full. But I have gotten rid of every piece of clothing that is the least bit baggy and don't want to run around naked. It is so much fun to walk into a clothing store and realize that I can buy anything I like. Most times I buy nothing but just looking keeps me motivated.
One thing that has surprised me that I also thought would be a problem is socializing. You will be amazed at how much easier you will find it. For you it might be the fitness center, maybe a church group, maybe an art and crafts group. You will feel so much better that you will implode if you don't find an outlet for that new found energy.
You have so much ahead of you. Jump through all the "hoops" now because they lead to a better life for you.
Have a great weekend , hope you are having beautiful Fall weather like we are in the NC mtns.
Hi Rose! Well, you have met your Doc by now, right? How very exciting for you. Did it go well and were you pleased with him/her? I was just surfing through some of the penpal people and saw yours about being impatient which I can totally relate to. I know what you mean about not being able to walk much and even just standing is a problem but I think is starting to get better - bed is most comfortable for me also. Right now anyway. (waiting to get the okays and for a surgery date) Need to get back to the pool, and amongst people more. But enough about that, just wondering how your appt with the doc went and how you're feeling about things now. Hope you are having a great day!!