SW Wis.. pen pal
Well Teresa, I'm not in SW Wisconsin, but I am here...go ahead and be nervous for it is natural.But what to keep in mind is that this soon will be over and the months ahead are your best ones yet. People are going to be so proud of you and that will release the reason why you did it.....I mean you did something most people will make excuses for or just plain old give up. But oh not you, you want something better for YOURSELF.....(I actually do this) Go to a mirror and raise your eye brows and say Oh well I came this far and this is for me....! It works ...I don't even know you and I can feel you, so hey Do You! Proud of you ...keep in touch, you'll be alright......Rose

Thanks Rose! Every day I get a little more excited and have a little more anxiety about the surgery. It is scary but I know I'm going to be so much happier and healthier. Its only 5 days away! I keep going to look at the before and after pictures on the website here and I just keep thinking.. someday thats going to be ME!
Hi Teresa,
I also live in Wisconsin, Janesville, near Madison. I just had my surgery 3 weeks ago on August 17th. I am having trouble eating solid foods even though I thoroughly chew them. How are you doing with your surgery? Hope all is going well with you. Glad to be your pen pal, maybe we can help each other with challenges we might face.
I also live in Wisconsin, Janesville, near Madison. I just had my surgery 3 weeks ago on August 17th. I am having trouble eating solid foods even though I thoroughly chew them. How are you doing with your surgery? Hope all is going well with you. Glad to be your pen pal, maybe we can help each other with challenges we might face.