26F KCMO - Looking for a friend to share the journey with (RNY)... email/text/FB
My name is Amber and I'm currently on the medically supervised diet (4 months left). My surgery date will me Oct/Nov, and I'm having the RNY. Don' t know many people around here and so I'm just looking for friends to share the joys and terrors and triumphs and quesitons with.
[email protected]
Hiya, Debbie! The first surgical appt I didn't have any questions, now... Ei! So many. Lab-band is a big deal too; only reason I didn't choose it is because I cheat and and not real good at knowing satiety. With the RNY cheating is less possible (and there the whole dumping thing if you do).
Be glad to walk beside ya!
[email protected] is my email.

[email protected] is my email.
Hi There,
I'm in Baltimore, Md and I'm in my 5th month of supervised. Hoping for late June early July RNY surgery. Feel free to add me if you like :) [email protected]
I'm in Baltimore, Md and I'm in my 5th month of supervised. Hoping for late June early July RNY surgery. Feel free to add me if you like :) [email protected]
Hello everyone,
My name is Tanya and I live in Concordia, MO. I have seen my dr twice I also have 4 more months to go. Surgery should be around Oct./Nov. Right now I am having everything possible go wrong. Gone to heart dr and had to have ecocardiagram and stress test. Dr. finally cleared me with the heart now I have to have sleep apnea test. I am almost to the point of thinking is it all worth it cuz everything seems to be wrong. But I am gonna keep trucking along in hopes it will all be over soon and I will be more healthy than what I am now. Any advice would be great!!!
Have a great day!!
[email protected]
My name is Tanya and I live in Concordia, MO. I have seen my dr twice I also have 4 more months to go. Surgery should be around Oct./Nov. Right now I am having everything possible go wrong. Gone to heart dr and had to have ecocardiagram and stress test. Dr. finally cleared me with the heart now I have to have sleep apnea test. I am almost to the point of thinking is it all worth it cuz everything seems to be wrong. But I am gonna keep trucking along in hopes it will all be over soon and I will be more healthy than what I am now. Any advice would be great!!!
Have a great day!!
[email protected]
Hey Tanya,
Because you are finding all of these medical issues (and working on correcting them), I think the path your on for surgery is definitely the right one. Those health issues might've gone unnoticed if you hadn't looked into WLS and undetected, they could've caused major problems later. Your quality of life is going to improve by taking care of these things and the WLS will be that much more successful.
Hang in there!!
Because you are finding all of these medical issues (and working on correcting them), I think the path your on for surgery is definitely the right one. Those health issues might've gone unnoticed if you hadn't looked into WLS and undetected, they could've caused major problems later. Your quality of life is going to improve by taking care of these things and the WLS will be that much more successful.
Hang in there!!
Hi all,
Just wanted to give a quick update. I went Wed to have my scope test and the final check on my heart. He said everything was pumping good and my scope test came out great. I go see my dr. for my third month visit and I have my sleep apnea test next month.
I have lots of support from my husband but not to many other people. I just keep thinking one of these days all of the people who do not support me on this will see me when I am smaller and a lot more healthy because I am feeling tons better. I can't wait!!
Have a great day and talk to you soon.
Just wanted to give a quick update. I went Wed to have my scope test and the final check on my heart. He said everything was pumping good and my scope test came out great. I go see my dr. for my third month visit and I have my sleep apnea test next month.
I have lots of support from my husband but not to many other people. I just keep thinking one of these days all of the people who do not support me on this will see me when I am smaller and a lot more healthy because I am feeling tons better. I can't wait!!
Have a great day and talk to you soon.
Hi everyone I am from Boston and my name is Crystal! I have all my appointments scheduled they just havent come yet, the only thing I have done so far is go to the class. It get hard waiting. I do not believe that I have a 6 month diet it was never mentioned to me, they did mention it in the class but my insurance was not one of them. if anyone wants to add me it will be a good to go through together!