Need pen pal in Southwest Side of Chicago
Thanks for responding - its always fun to meet new people - how are you doing after surgery....I'm excited and scared at thesame time and really love talking to people about their experiences with the surgery. Do you regret anything about havingt the surgery? What was your biggest obstacle to overcome? I use food as my comfort and that's what I'm afraid will be the biggest problem after surgery but I am ready to face my "demons" so to speak because my love affair with food is killing me.... Let me know your story.

Michele: The surgery was the best decision I have made to help me take care of me. I was terrified...truly terrified. You need to be prepared for hard work and self -talk. My biggest obstacle was patience...after surgery I was afraid that I would never be able to eat normally. However, a year out ...I eat just fine. I did not overcome my addiction. It won't go away. You will still want to keep eating...I go to support meetings and that is a must!!!!!! The desire to overeat does not go away. You willl throw up a lot the first year and that is normal. You need to be mindfull of chewing you meat until you think you have over chewed it or it comes back up. Please write to me a lot and I will walk you through everything. Make sure you know a lot about your doctor and how many times he has done the surgery...check him out! Claudy