Looking for pen pal in Indiana
I would love to talk to you! Congratulations! I haven't been on here in years and just started again so I this has all changed! I myself am looking for support.
Life is COMPLETELY different! I am more than half the woman I was and feel so good not only about myself, but that I did it. I wish I would have done it years ago. The time goes by so fast so take pictures! Your attitude toward life with change, you appreciate the ability to move and do things you never used to do. I am just now feeling like this whole new person that is breaking out of her shell and trying to find herself in this new life and body. It is so hard to explain. You feel like almost that was one part of your life and you have turned over a new leaf and have new feelings, goals, relationships (as each relationship will change believe it or not). I don't think they tell you enough about the psychological affect it has on you.
Don't allow yourself to get off the wagon, if you do-HOP right back on. There will be low points and you'll be in a rutt, but it will pick up again. This is your window of opportunity the first 18 months is what they told me. I gained about 10 lbs over the winter, but I also started working from home where that food was available. I have taken that off and a little more, but the thought of food is STILL there and never goes away (my life revolved around food). Gosh I could go on and on. Is there anything specific you were interested in finding out? Let me know, ask all the questions you want. I am really open about it and so excited for you! Thanks for responding. I would add you as a friend but don't know how :) You can also email at [email protected].
Life is COMPLETELY different! I am more than half the woman I was and feel so good not only about myself, but that I did it. I wish I would have done it years ago. The time goes by so fast so take pictures! Your attitude toward life with change, you appreciate the ability to move and do things you never used to do. I am just now feeling like this whole new person that is breaking out of her shell and trying to find herself in this new life and body. It is so hard to explain. You feel like almost that was one part of your life and you have turned over a new leaf and have new feelings, goals, relationships (as each relationship will change believe it or not). I don't think they tell you enough about the psychological affect it has on you.
Don't allow yourself to get off the wagon, if you do-HOP right back on. There will be low points and you'll be in a rutt, but it will pick up again. This is your window of opportunity the first 18 months is what they told me. I gained about 10 lbs over the winter, but I also started working from home where that food was available. I have taken that off and a little more, but the thought of food is STILL there and never goes away (my life revolved around food). Gosh I could go on and on. Is there anything specific you were interested in finding out? Let me know, ask all the questions you want. I am really open about it and so excited for you! Thanks for responding. I would add you as a friend but don't know how :) You can also email at [email protected].