Next to no family support, would love a penpal to share with
Hi! I am a 26 year old living in Winnipeg, Manitoba. My family is unsupportive of my decision to have weight loss surgery. Some are strongly apposed. Looking for some dear people who can relate to me taking this journey. I have numerous illnesses and am going for surgery within the year. My almost 3 year old is the joy of my life and I am doing this for her so I will be there for a long time to love her. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Hi! Sorry to hear that your family does not support your decision. My family... other than my husband did not agree with my decision either. But now that I am 9 days post-op and feeling good everyone is okay with it and very supportave. I think that the reason that our families don't aprove is that they care so much for us that they don't want anything bad to happen. They are not as educated about the procedure as we are and are afraid of the unknown.
I had the laperscopic VGS and had no problems what so ever. I was home from the hospital the next afternoon with no restrictions except for being on full liquids for 2 weeks.
I had the laperscopic VGS and had no problems what so ever. I was home from the hospital the next afternoon with no restrictions except for being on full liquids for 2 weeks.
I live in Thunder Bay, ON and am 46 years old, just had RNY this past February. My husband was not overly supportive when I started my journey, but he knows the woman he married and when I put my mind to do something it's HIGHLY unlikely anyone can change it...maybe because I am a (Taurus)...LOL
One thing I would like to focus is that you said you are doing this surgery for your 3 yr old...while I can understand have to know that YOU....and ONLY YOU are the person you should be doing it for.
Relatives and close friends sometimes can be opposed because of horror stories they have heard...and many know people who may have had surgery years ago...or people that did not follow the "rules"...they may be opposed because with any surgery there are risks.
People that have NOT taken the time to truly understand the surgery...for their opinions and opposition based on NO facts or POOR facts...and they are scared.
If there is a support group in the WPG area I would suggest you join. If you don't know ask your doctor/physician's VERY important to get in touch and have a supportive circle.
My husband now knows that I mad ethe right decision (for me)...I am almost 5 months post-op and have reached 70lbs lost...I have more energy and my clotehs are wonderfully baggy. I have a good circle of really positive friends and one of them even accompanied me on several of y visits to Duluth, MN (where I had my surgery).
My mother will be turning 80 this year and I have NOT told her...she is "old country" and would have no clue on why I would have done what I did. I have some friends who I have not told, just because I don't feel I would get the support from them that I need on a continous basis.
Woudl love to communicate further with you..I LOVE to talk...ever since I was in school my report cards always said "Mary disrupts the class with ehr talking"...I love to learn about people and all kinds of things. My philosophy is "you are never too old to learn"
wishing you the best....
drop me a line
One thing I would like to focus is that you said you are doing this surgery for your 3 yr old...while I can understand have to know that YOU....and ONLY YOU are the person you should be doing it for.
Relatives and close friends sometimes can be opposed because of horror stories they have heard...and many know people who may have had surgery years ago...or people that did not follow the "rules"...they may be opposed because with any surgery there are risks.
People that have NOT taken the time to truly understand the surgery...for their opinions and opposition based on NO facts or POOR facts...and they are scared.
If there is a support group in the WPG area I would suggest you join. If you don't know ask your doctor/physician's VERY important to get in touch and have a supportive circle.
My husband now knows that I mad ethe right decision (for me)...I am almost 5 months post-op and have reached 70lbs lost...I have more energy and my clotehs are wonderfully baggy. I have a good circle of really positive friends and one of them even accompanied me on several of y visits to Duluth, MN (where I had my surgery).
My mother will be turning 80 this year and I have NOT told her...she is "old country" and would have no clue on why I would have done what I did. I have some friends who I have not told, just because I don't feel I would get the support from them that I need on a continous basis.
Woudl love to communicate further with you..I LOVE to talk...ever since I was in school my report cards always said "Mary disrupts the class with ehr talking"...I love to learn about people and all kinds of things. My philosophy is "you are never too old to learn"
wishing you the best....
drop me a line
HI how are you today? I'm sort of in the same boat as you, my family isn't totally in favor of my surgery but what others have said it's because they care and aren't educated as much as we are. They hear the horror stories on TV they don't have time to listen to all the positive outcomes .They don't visit sites like these and hear all the success people have. And no matter what anyone thinks , you now it's the right thing for you and that is all that matters. We're going to get together here in WPG and talk and give the support we all need so we can make these journey's of ours the best thing that any of us can do for ourselves and our children. Just call me and we'll get together soon 2370147 . Take care