I would love a PenPal
Hello All, I am having my 9th anniversary on 4-5. I have become discouraged lately and would just like a little encouragement to get me motivated again. I have done really well keeping the weight off, but with a divorce last year and being a single mother to 3 kids under 6 is pretty tough at times. Finding time to make myself excercise at night after a long day of work and getting kids to bed I find myself ready to pass out. I have gained 30 pounds that I am hating myself for and I need to get myself motivated so it doesn't creep up to 50lbs then 100lbs. I am scared and know it can happen quickly. So if anyone feels that can be of encouragement I would love to hear from you. Jenny
Hi Jenny,
I just had the RNY about 7 weeks ago so maybe talking to someone who is new to the game will get you back in the swing of things. I have 2 boys 1 is 6 year old and the other is about 15 months old. So if you would like PM me and we could talk. You are on the right track, getting control before it gets out of control! Good job!
I just had the RNY about 7 weeks ago so maybe talking to someone who is new to the game will get you back in the swing of things. I have 2 boys 1 is 6 year old and the other is about 15 months old. So if you would like PM me and we could talk. You are on the right track, getting control before it gets out of control! Good job!
Hi Robin,
Thanks for the message. So how are you feeling? Was it a laprascopic or open surgery you had. I had open and have a beautiful 12 inch scar to show for it. it serves as a reminder everyday of what I went through to get healthy. It is funny, sometimes you just get into the routine of day to day and don't think about the things in your past. And it is so important to remind ourselves of the things we have been through to get to where we are now. I am sorry, I am rambling now. I am just trying to find things to keep me motivated to stay healthy and get this 20lbs off. Haha, gotta try. If you have any questions about the experiences you go through the odds are I have been there done that so feel free to ask. Take care!
Thanks for the message. So how are you feeling? Was it a laprascopic or open surgery you had. I had open and have a beautiful 12 inch scar to show for it. it serves as a reminder everyday of what I went through to get healthy. It is funny, sometimes you just get into the routine of day to day and don't think about the things in your past. And it is so important to remind ourselves of the things we have been through to get to where we are now. I am sorry, I am rambling now. I am just trying to find things to keep me motivated to stay healthy and get this 20lbs off. Haha, gotta try. If you have any questions about the experiences you go through the odds are I have been there done that so feel free to ask. Take care!
Hi Jenny,
Mine was done laprascopic (thank god!!) My mom had it done open and it was very painful for her me on the other hand had no real pain. Everything is going well Im down 32 pounds! yay.
I am lactose intolerant now so I have learned to subsitute the milk in my protein drinks with lactaid milk it works good. Other than that everything seems to be going really well. I go to my 2 month check up on Wed. I hope all the labs look good. Well talk to you later, Robin
ps dont forget im here if you need me
Mine was done laprascopic (thank god!!) My mom had it done open and it was very painful for her me on the other hand had no real pain. Everything is going well Im down 32 pounds! yay.
I am lactose intolerant now so I have learned to subsitute the milk in my protein drinks with lactaid milk it works good. Other than that everything seems to be going really well. I go to my 2 month check up on Wed. I hope all the labs look good. Well talk to you later, Robin
ps dont forget im here if you need me
