Looking for a female pen pal in NE Ohio
Goodluck to all!
I'm so glad you wrote to me. We are located so close to each other.I went through St.Vincent Charity Hospital for the seminar. We've since been playing phone tag so I am thinking about going elsewhere. I noticed that your physician is Dr. Dan. A lady that I work with used Dr. Dan also. She looks awesome. She has made me re-think my hospital (and dr.) to go through. I work at Akron Childrens Hospital and since I an driving into Akron at least 5 days a week I might as well go there for the bariatric surgery.
So what all have you done so far? You said you are waiting for approval, I would ******vous wreck also!! So you had to diet first? I don't know any thing about the process.
Looking forward to hearing from you...

I love Dr. Dan and his staff. They have been so wonderful and so caring. My insurance did require me to do 6 months of dieting, and at first I was not happy about it, but it went by so fast. I had a lot of tests, 2 sleep studies, and I had to have my gallbladder removed. But, it's all been worth it. It has been overwhelming at times, and I feel like I have been on an emotional roller coaster ride, but I am glad I made this choice to have WLS.
I did my dieting through Dr. Dans office with Dr. Wells. He was awesome and even when I didn't lose any weight, he made me feel like I was still doing good. He is so understanding. I think you would not regret switching to Dr. Dan...if you choose to go with him. Let me know what you decide....it's nice to meet you.

Today I got an informational packet from Dr. Chylsta's office. (He is at Akron General). One thing I have noticed is a big difference in the amount that I would have to pay before a surgery date would be set. (Akron General wants $1600 and St. Vincents wants $375). I wonder why there is such a big difference. What does Dr. Dan require?
I know this won't happen right away, but I am soooo ready. Do you have any other health issues? (if you don't mind me asking). I have diabetes, high bp,cholesterol.
Here's a little info about me: I'm 46, married with 2 kids.(daughter 14 and son is 16). We live in Streetsboro, but you already know that. lol
Dr. Dan has the same $1600 fee. I know that these fees can be a factor in who you may choose as your surgeon, but Dr. Dan is amazing. I almost didn't go with him because of the fee, but I researched him and other doctors, and I knew he was the surgeon for me.
I have researched WLS for about 5 years, and I have been to a few seminars. I was first going for the band, but I have way too much weight to lose, so Dr. Dan said Gastric Bypass would be best for me. I finally made the decision to have weight loss surgery when I started having health problems. I'm on medication for diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, and back pain. I'm also on a CPAP machine for my sleep apnea. With this surgery..I should be off most meds and the CPAP! I am really happy about my decision to have the surgery. I'm 41 and I have a lot of living to do yet....I am going to start really living life to the fullest now.
Like I said, I'm 41 years old. I also have 3 kids ages 22, 18, and 15. I'm engaged, but no date has been set yet..lol
Nice to meet you! I see your doctor is the same one that I went to see. (seminar). Have you had any problems scheduling appts through the hospital? I am playing phone tag with some lady named, Sherry or Sharon..? I'm just curious about everything. What happens first, then after that, and so on.... Did you have to diet for 6 months so that your insurance will pay for it? Something else I am finding out is this, when your surgery is scheduled, you have to pay a fee. I believe St.Vincents fee is $375. Akron General hospital and Summa each charge $1600. Quite a difference. Wonder why?
How did you do on the 6 month diet? Write me anytime, I will reply.
Thanks for writing.
Hi Jamie,
I had so many question too and still do.
I went to the library and took out a few books and that helped with alot of my questions.
My insurance required for me to do the six month diet and I had to do a few other things as well.
The doctor told me I had to do a sleep study and I had to have a physc evaluation done as well.
The six months do fly by.For me the six months was both hard and easy.Make sure you do all that is required in those 6 months.
I only lost 4 pounds but I ran into some foot problems and I couldn't exercise on my elliptical( doctors orders )because it would put pressure on my foot.I fractured it and don't know how.
I paid $350.00 for the fee, but it includes a discount to see the dietitian which was $30.00 for me instead d of $60.00 I believe.
You still have to pay your co-pay ( Mine was $25.00 a visit ) and so far that was all I paid.
So, every month when I went to weigh in I paid $55.00 a visit.
Are you going through St. Vincent's to have this done?
If so my advise to you is to see the doctor there his name is Mark Salomone -great guy and Peter is the nutritionist.
I made all my appointments to see both guys in advance.
I scheduled all my appointments at once, so I wouldn't have to play the phone tag game.
Now, that $350.00 is for other stuff to, I guess in a year that your out that have a reunion and a few other things.
I paid it and called that part done.
Sharrie is my patient advocate and yes she can be hard to get a hold of.Just leave a message and she will call you back.
This is everything that Sharrie required from me, and she will tell you too if your missing som ething.
I had to give her this....Now I don't know if this was for insurance purpose or for the doctor.
5 consecutive years of weight history
Physc Eval.
Sleep study
and I had to pay the $350.00
I hope this helped a little.
I think I told you Friday was my last appointment and Dr. Salomone turned everytrhing to my insurace co. so now I play the waiting and pray I don't gain weight.
I don't know if I have to do a 2 week liquid diet or not ( lord I hope not ) but I think almost everyone has too,.
Keep in touch
I'm Barb and am from Brunswick. On 3/22/09 I will celebrate my 3 year anniversary. My original goal for weight to lose ws 200#. I lost 162# in 18 months. At that point, I went to a "graduation" ceremony sponsored by St. Vincent's. My surgeon was Dr. Schreiber, *****tired in August '06.
At the time, my prep consisted of 6 months of doctor supervised diet. I went to primary physician once a month for 6 months, mostly to be weighed consistently. Once that was done, St Vincent's submitted all the info to UHC, my insurer at the time. That was done in Jan. 06. I received approval in Feb. 06, then my pre-op testing was Feb.24, 2006. Then I had to wait almost a month for the actual surgery. I think in part to St Vincent's being so busy it took awhile to get things scheduled. I am currently doing the 5 day pouch test to get back on track. I've gained maybe 40# in the past 18 months and really want to achieve my original goal of losing a total of 200#. The $350 fee at SVCH is for a variety of things-participation in a clothing exchange, follow up for 3 months- I can't remember if I still had to pay my insurance copay.
I know people who have had their surgery at Akron General, Parma, University and the Cleveland Clinic. University patients seem to have had the most complications post op. The other hospitals did well from what I've heard. Even the clinic has had numerous complications. the main thing I looked at when researching for 5 years prior to my date was each facility's infection rate. SVCH had the lowest by far.
Please feel free to write back anytime and ask me anything. If I can help in any way, I'll do my best. Good luck and congratulations on making a life-altering decision. I'd do it again in a heartbeat if I had to.
[email protected]