need a buddy - surgery dt- Jan 21,2009
Hi there, I'm also an Christian and a working mom, and my surgery date is the same Jan. 21, 2009!! I am so excited but very nervous! I been on liquid since Monday and am doing pretty good, but I am now having a hard time chewing the chewable vitamins and the calcium citrate, for some reason they tasted funny today. Any suggestions?
Yeah, I got the approval call on 12/23/08 and my Dr.'s nurse told me I had to start the pre-op liquid diet on 01/05/09. She said it's to make sure the liver is small enough (less fat around it) to be moved out of the way when having the RNY-lap. I do not want my Dr to have to open me up competely. And since I am only allowed to have 5 high protein shakes a day, the vitamins are the rest of my supplements. Are you having the RNY? I don't understand why they didn't tell you to start liquids now? I don't have my pre-op appt. until tomorrow! Well, I hope this helps! Keep me posted!
I am taking the Bariatric Advantage High ADEK Multivitamin - Tropical (chewable) and the Bariatric Advantage 400mg Calcium Citrate Lozenges w/ Vitamin D - Wild Cherry (270 Count (also chewable).
I am taking the Bariatric Advantage High ADEK Multivitamin - Tropical (chewable) and the Bariatric Advantage 400mg Calcium Citrate Lozenges w/ Vitamin D - Wild Cherry (270 Count (also chewable).
Im havin the Gasrtic Bypass. Im soooo confused. You hear so many different things on what to do and what not to do. Today we talkd bout my diet afterwards and he said He did not suggest any Protein shakes. He said it was alot bettr for me to eat real chicken or lean meat. That the shakes have to many calories and that you end up takin in to many calories that yr body doesnt need.
And yes to take good vitamins. Im very grateful you told me which vitamins to get.
Would you please find out what yr docs oppinon is on this.
And yes to take good vitamins. Im very grateful you told me which vitamins to get.
Would you please find out what yr docs oppinon is on this.

Ok, I just got back from my pre-op appt. and it went great!! I went to pre-register at the hospital and also with the anesthesiologist. He told me to continue with the protein shakes and that this would help not only shrink my insides, like my liver, but make my recovery time better and easier. He also said to continue with the protein because after surgery you tend to lose so much weight and your body goes through so many changes in such a little bit of time that we may end up losing our hair if don't keep up with your protein!! Not that I'm the hottest thing out there, but I can't afford to lose my hair! As for the shakes having too many calories, I'm drinking the Slim fast High Protein drinks and it only has 190 and I am also drinking the Bariatric Advantage High Protein Meal Replacement, and that only has 140 calories. I'm only allowed to have 5 shakes a day and even if I drink 5 Slim Fast, thats only 950 calories a day. And my Dr. told me not to even think about any solid food unil at least the 5th -6th week after surgery! I don't know what to tell you other than talk to your doctor again and see what he says. I'm more than sure he's done plenty of these operations before and knows what he is talking about. If you need anyhting or just need to chat let me know.
yr so great!!
Thank u for the info.
I just came from GMC. YUK!!! they had all these confusing shakes and seriously the guy wouldnt even help me. I guess its cause hes some buff guy with muscles and he didnt care about a fat girl comin in askin questions....
Im very happy that you just told me about the slim fast high protein onse. I use to do slim fast a couple of years ago and they wernt that bad. But what about the sugar in them?
How much protein do we need a day? isnt it 100 grams? i cant remember.
I also saw the biggest loser shakes (im a fig Biggest loser junkie) ( i love all their stuff) but he said those shakes went good fo you and they only had 6 grams of protein so i would have to drink sooooooo many!! yuk! im not so impressed with those. and I think if im not mistaken he was fixen to mark them down cause he had a pile of them on his counter and a marking gun.
Oh and then one of my clients told me today that they have Protien shots. like the shots you just gulp. But when I lookd at those they seemed so syrupy and totally grossed me out. Im not very good on the whole "koolaid" or "punch" kinda stuff. It reminds me of when i had to eat all those jellybeans when i was Prego. I never gaged so much in my life. My husband just laughed he loves sweets. he was gnna buy one just caused they loooked yummy. Uhhh i swear hes willy wonka's son.
Ok well let me know how yr doin. And thanks for letting me vent.
Thank u for the info.
I just came from GMC. YUK!!! they had all these confusing shakes and seriously the guy wouldnt even help me. I guess its cause hes some buff guy with muscles and he didnt care about a fat girl comin in askin questions....
Im very happy that you just told me about the slim fast high protein onse. I use to do slim fast a couple of years ago and they wernt that bad. But what about the sugar in them?
How much protein do we need a day? isnt it 100 grams? i cant remember.
I also saw the biggest loser shakes (im a fig Biggest loser junkie) ( i love all their stuff) but he said those shakes went good fo you and they only had 6 grams of protein so i would have to drink sooooooo many!! yuk! im not so impressed with those. and I think if im not mistaken he was fixen to mark them down cause he had a pile of them on his counter and a marking gun.
Oh and then one of my clients told me today that they have Protien shots. like the shots you just gulp. But when I lookd at those they seemed so syrupy and totally grossed me out. Im not very good on the whole "koolaid" or "punch" kinda stuff. It reminds me of when i had to eat all those jellybeans when i was Prego. I never gaged so much in my life. My husband just laughed he loves sweets. he was gnna buy one just caused they loooked yummy. Uhhh i swear hes willy wonka's son.
Ok well let me know how yr doin. And thanks for letting me vent.

I'm glad you went and got some shakes for yourself. I am actually not doing to well. During the week it was a little easier being on liquids, and I thought it would have been easier on the weekends, but it wasn't. Even though my family has been really supportive, it's feel a little like I am letting them down for some reason. Maybe it's just me, I don't know. We used to go out to eat on the weekends for practically almost every meal and now I can't. I know that's what they really want to do but won't because of me. Like I said, I think it's more me making myself feel this way, but I can't help it. For some reason I feel sad, like I'll never be able to do that again, have you gotten that feeling? I know evetually we will be able to go out to resturants again and eat in moderation, but I feel sad! I never though I would be feeling this way. Hope you had a better weekend. TTYL
I'm glad you went and got some shakes for yourself. I am actually not doing to well. During the week it was a little easier being on liquids, and I thought it would have been easier on the weekends, but it wasn't. Even though my family has been really supportive, it's feel a little like I am letting them down for some reason. Maybe it's just me, I don't know. We used to go out to eat on the weekends for practically almost every meal and now I can't. I know that's what they really want to do but won't because of me. Like I said, I think it's more me making myself feel this way, but I can't help it. For some reason I feel sad, like I'll never be able to do that again, have you gotten that feeling? I know evetually we will be able to go out to resturants again and eat in moderation, but I feel sad! I never though I would be feeling this way. Hope you had a better weekend. TTYL