Hey Lucy, It' so nice to meet you, It souds like you have a couple of great kids!
I had a fur baby named Bud, I miss him, He passed away in 1998...I know a long time ago, but I still love and miss him.
I wish I lived on a lake, I love the water. We have a little house in mexico on the beach, but I don't like the waves. Best wishes with your surgry, I'm here for ya! Come back!!! we can make this a really neat forum for everyone! Lyndee
The opinions expressed by Lyndee are for entertainment purposes only. If I have offended anyone, I apologize. This includes, but is not limited to, the moderators, members of PETA, all unions, liberals, conservatives, SAHMs, WAHMs, gays, whites, blacks, mexicans, asians, jews, christians, agnostics, atheists, buddhists and all other religions, the mentally challenged, witches, bitches, the truly stupid and anyone or anything else I may have forgotten. Thank you!
The opinions expressed by Lyndee are for entertainment purposes only. If I have offended anyone, I apologize. This includes, but is not limited to, the moderators, members of PETA, all unions, liberals, conservatives, SAHMs, WAHMs, gays, whites, blacks, mexicans, asians, jews, christians, agnostics, atheists, buddhists and all other religions, the mentally challenged, witches, bitches, the truly stupid and anyone or anything else I may have forgotten. Thank you!