wanna B penpals
Hi Beth,
My name is Donna. I am a happily married 39 year old living in Orlando. We have no kids, at least not of the human variety. We have 2 dogs and man are they spoiled! I adore animals. Had open rny 8 years ago and am very happy. I don't have a lot of female friends so I thought I would respond to your pen pal posting. Hope you are having a great holiday season and maybe we can correspond.
Merry Christmas!

Hello so glad to hear from you. I was 39 uptill today now the big 40....lol
I love animals as well we have 5 dogs 1 mini pony 2 donkeys 5 pygmy goats 1 boar goat no telling how many chickens and 16 duckes we have a mini farm and gonna get into rasing mini ponys and mini mules and donkeys and goats and all the other
have not had real good luck with the goats and the other day 1 of the females died giving birth but she had 3 lil ones in her she was a pygmy and someone had bread her to a bore goatwe tried to save the baby goats and gave them CPR me my bf and his dad but did not get to them in time
I had my WLS a lil over 4 yrs ago and have done good.
I do not have many friends either have had to many stabb me in the back or was only friends with me b/c they wanted something from me
the best friends I have are some I have made on line and we have ben friends over 10 yrs now
Hope all is good with you and have a very Merry Christmas
Huggss Beth
Hi Beth,
Well Happy belated birthday! I will be 40 next November. Not sure how that will be. We had a wonderful Christmas. My hubby spoils me so much and we had a wonderful day. This year it was the 2 of us and the dogs and it was awesome. How was yours?
I know what you mean about people stabbing you in the back. It is hard to trust people in this world and believe what they say. My hubby is my best friend and we do absolutely everything together but it would be nice to have more female friends. I met him online and he is the best!
So sorry and sad to hear about the babies not making it. I dont know if I could handle that. I would be balling! I guess if you live on a farm you may get used to that sort of thing. After all that is part of life.
Hope you are doing well,
Take Care,