MKPstamps’s Posts

on 8/4/10 3:16 pm
Topic: RE: How bad before retirement or disability?
I was enrolled through a pain program through my insurance. it's a great program but I had 2 of the doctors tell me I needed to quit. I think I knew this, but didn't want to admit it. Our plan was for my husband and me to work for another 5 years, pay the bills off in 4, stash money in the 5th, retire and then have our house paid for in 7-8 years. I retired this year and am now going thru bankruptcy.

You have my sympathies with your job. I worked at a college in the distance education department. I was on the computer more than not. I was would fall asleep at my desk. (Two good friends would keep an eye on me, cover for me, and wake me up. I had trouble staying awake for the commute which was excrutiating, would barely get through the week and sleep the weekend in pain, hoping to gain strength for Monday. I know what your fingers feel like--it's awful. I did hide my fibro fog well, but it was getting harder and harder to hide it. I couldn't read and used to read 4-5 books a week. Simple instructions were hard to follow. Meetings were awful--another time to fall asleep. Somedays a cane helped most didn't.

I've been off this entire year and am just now beginning to read. I take daily naps and have a great stretching routine I'm doing from my physical therapist.

Meds: 25 fentanyl patches (hate them, don't work well and make me sweat like crazy--they're being changed next week), Nortriptyline at night, 2 cymbalta in the morning, norco for breakthrough. I was doing well with with 4-6 morphine in place of fentanyl, but I couldn't go to the bathroom with mega stool softeners and prescription medicine. My doctor has talked about methadone. I guess will discuss that next week. Opana and Gabapentin were useless.

I have fibro, migraines, and moderate to severe arthritis in my tailbone, thoraic & cervical spine and severe in both knees. Part of what bothered me is that with the knees, they can replace them when it gets too bad, but there isn't anything to be done with the back. They doctor told me if I do my exercise routine and remain active, there is no reason to think that it will progress.

I still have bad days, but being off work allows me to take naps and pace myself (when I pay attention), do my exercises, and eliminates that painful drive. I can do more aroudn the house now and free my husband's time up some. It has also eliminates a lot of stress. I am definitely in better shape and much more limber.

I wish I could help you with your decision; it's definitely a hard one. Financially for us it was awful, but for my health, I can now see it was the best thing for me.
on 9/21/09 7:22 am
Topic: RE: Hi-Dow XP III
I did buy one of these and love it. I'm told it is a TENS unit . . . who knows. I can put the pads on knots/muscle spasms and it really helps.There have been days when I would have thought I'd be in the chair all day and it eased the knots.
on 9/21/09 7:17 am
Topic: RE: Does it ever feel like something is eating at your bones?
What GREAT description for such YECH pain. I sometimes feel as if even my eyelashes hurt. At night, my husband has to get me out of my recliner (I also have bad knees), most of the time. Today is one of those everything-hurts days, even with pain meds. I just keep repeating, "This too shall pass." I am just ready for it to go away for awhile.
on 9/21/09 7:08 am
Topic: RE: Hysterectomy & Fibromyalgia
I had a hysterectomy about 20 years ago, RNY was performed 7/17/08. My fibro was diagnosed within the past 5 years.My RNY was like a gift where the fibro-monster is concerned. I thought I had been misdiagnosed or that it went away. Today, I'm on a fentanyl patch and take Norco for breakthrough pain plus Gabapentin. So much for that fun idea. It was good while it lasted!

 I had a friend who also has had all of the above tell me that her theory was that my body needed me to heal after my surgery and so all energies went there. Now of course, I was also off of work for over 2 months and I got plenty of good sleep and rest and had a much lowered stress level.
on 8/26/09 8:18 am
Topic: RE: Hi-Dow XP III
The thing is that the medical community has and does use them. My sister-in-law is a nurse. She's the one who said the hand-held version is like a tens unit and that her mom and sister swore by the gun thing that their chiropractor uses. Hi-Dow has been in business for some time. Maybe with the economy the way it is, maybe they're making them more affordable and marketing to the public.
on 8/26/09 7:15 am
Topic: RE: Hi-Dow XP III

Info on the Hi-Dow is on amazon for a good price too . . . sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1251320906&sr=8-1; the cart people wanted $139.

The most I got out of them over the phone on the other thing is that it is a needless accupuncture gun. In talking to my sister-in-law, she said my mother-in-law and other sister-in-law swore by the little gun things. I couldn't find this online anywhere. It looks like a little hot-glue gun.

Where the gun gives little electrical jolts/stiumulation, the hi-dow electronically stimulates the muscles. I sent my PCP an email about it and he said it defintely wouldn't hurt and could be worth a try. My sister-in-law thought it was like a tens unit. I also have bad knees and would put a pad (with wires attached) to both sides of my knee and then dial in a strength. The machine would hit those muscles undneath the pads where they were stuckdown.

She mainly used the little gun thing on me and the Hi-Dow unit on my husband. Personally I'd like to con him into getting both. If you'd like to try to get some more info, the Cart was Modern Therapeutic Solutions and Farah is the manager, their number is 702-699-5338. I had a real hard time understanding her, but she said she would ship both for $260 + shipping.

on 8/25/09 5:26 am
Topic: RE: Hi-Dow XP III
I was in Vegas this past weekend. My husband and I were walking through the mall when I was drawn to one of the little carts that I normally avoid. This one had a Hi-Dow XP III unit and a battery-operated accupuncture gun (for personal use). The gun thing looks like a small glue gun, but gives good zaps. I wish I had convinced my husband to buy the two while we were there. I found the XP III at amazoncom for a good price, but would also like info on the little gun thing.

Does any one know what I'm talking about and have you tried the XP 333?
on 5/11/09 6:19 am
Topic: RE: What are some of the hardest things for you to deal with
I'm in a big flare. My PCP retired and I had to find another. They gave me an appt with someone who didn't know much about fibromonster. I had to give her a bite of humble pie with 6 pages of printouts before she'd pay attention. I got gabapentin that seemed to work at first but doesn't now.

I have another appointment with a new doctor tomorrow who supposedly knows all about fibro.

Right now it's the pain and fog that are about to do me in. I am very blessed that I do not suffer depression. I've had that occur a few times and recognized it right off the bat. I can't imagine having that heaped on the other two things.

I hate when my husband asks how I am that lately it's been the same--everything hurts. When I get like this I try to find what doesn't hurt. Today it's my stomach doesn't hurt. The fog can sometimes be comical with what comes out of my mouth. I've created several new names for common things because I can't remember what they're really called! BUT it's really hard to try to look compitent and hid the fog at work.

I can get up and feel pretty good and within 2 hours feel like I've been run over by a street finishing machine. If I'm fortunate enough for this to occur on a weekend, I can go lay down and take a 30-45 minute nap and the difference is amazing. But working full time, that's not something I can do.

I may ask the doctor to get some time off work to maybe get caught up. Will have to see how I feel tomorrow.
on 2/16/09 1:00 am
Topic: RE: Gabapenten questions
My PCP retired and since I've just been getting worse over the last month, I decided to look on this board and a few other fibro sites for pain medications. I wanted to take a list of what people are using or some of the latest treatments. I saw Gabapenten listed quite often and that people were having luck with it for pain. I'm not certain if it's the same thing as Nuerontin or similar, but they're related some how. I don't think it's listed as a fibro medication, but it is used to treat nerve pain. I read somewhere that it is prescribed for people who have shingles.

So far I'm happy with it as I do notice an improvement. I felt like I had the flu with my back and sides aching so. I have been taking a pill at night and just took a one about an hour ago to try it during the day time; it seems to be fine. I'm a little tired, but nothing that would prevent me from working. I would wait to take it when I got to work though, not before I got in the car, but it is helping.
on 2/14/09 11:57 pm
Topic: RE: Gabapenten questions
I had RNY in July 2008 and haven't had fibro problems until just recently. For the past month the moster has been coming out of hiding. Last weekend was the worst with everything hurting and I wound up sitting under a blanket most of the day. The doctor just started me on Gabapenten on Thursday. I started taking on 300 mg pill at night and the difference is good.

For those of you who take this, does the sleepiness go away? They told me to take one for a week for my body to get used to it and then if needed, I could add one in the morning for a week and one a noon for a week, (working up to 3/day). The results with one are good, but I think two might do the trick. For those of you who take this, does the sleepiness go away? I work full time and have no problem taking one at night, but don't know about taking one in the morning.

What are you're experiences?

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