RNY, hysterectomy with HRT and malabsorption???? Anyone???
I had my RNY nearly 9 years ago, with two revisions since (let's not even go there); subsequently I had a complete hysterectomy about 14 months ago and a month later went on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Was wondering if anyone has had any malabsorptive issues with Premarin post gastric bypass? And if yes, how did you know? Did you get blood work done and what bloodwork?????
on 7/25/14 8:26 am
on 7/25/14 8:26 am
IDK if I was absorbing the estrogen...I had a total hysterectomy five months or so after my bypass...but my doc wanted to avoid absorption issues so she switched me to a patch. Seems to work better for me than the pills did. It stays on for a week and then I exchange it for a new one, and i am in the pool every day, no issues...