Having Second Thoughts on WLS

on 5/12/12 11:21 am, edited 5/11/12 11:35 pm

I'm having my RNY Monday & am now scared to death because of some of the stories posted on the message boards. I've had severe fibromyalgia for well over 7 yrs. I take Cymbalta (120 mgs daily), diclofenac {voltaren (150 mgs daily)}, Abilify (5 mgs daily), wellbutrin (150 mgs daily), along with diabetes & high blood pressure medication. I also have sleep apnea. My life changed so much because of the fibro, & other health issues, that I ended up in clinical depression. The main reason for even having the surgery is to get some of my life back & try to stop some of the pain. I've tried pool therapy & walking, but end up paying for any exercise with more pain. I'm 290 lbs. right now & thought that by losing the weight, my health would overall improve. Now I see where it may not help my fibro at all...& could make it worse, although I can't imagine it being worse.

I've made the decision to have surgery against my husband's & parents' wishes & am now second guessing myself. My husband says he doesn't have a good feeling about it, along with my parents. I just hope I'm making the right decision....

Sorry for the rant, but had to vent somewhere. I sure don't need my family against it more than they already are. Anyone out there with a few words of wisdom or GOOD news about how WLS has helped with their medical problems, esp. fibro?


on 5/12/12 1:43 pm - Vancouver, WA
I've had fibro for over 20 yrs and I can say the general consensus is that surgery doesn't help the fibro pain itself BUT just losing a great deal of weight is bound to help you feel better. Just all the extra weight on your joints alone causes pain so that should improve. You may need to adjust medications because of the malabsorbtion but that can usually be dealt with. I think if it makes it worse that it is only temporary and improves the farther out you go. You are the only one who can make the final decision but I can say there are lots of folks who are very glad they had the surgery. Good luck to you!
on 5/13/12 6:08 am
Thank you! I'm preparing & going forward with the surgery. I've been thinking about it so much. What you said is true, & I've come to the same conclusion. I have so many health issues the weight loss can improve that I just can't pass up this chance! I stayed up most of the night contemplating the pro's & con's again of having the surgery & talked to my family this morning. I also received a blessing at church & feel much better about having it done. By tomorrow at this time, I'll be post-op & starting a new journey!

on 5/13/12 3:26 pm
Congrats on your decision. I agree with His Lady, it won't make your fibro go away. But losing weight will make your depression better, your joints will feel better, its a lot of work but well worth the ride. Good luck and keep us posted.
(deactivated member)
on 5/20/12 7:15 am
I am so excited about this mineral bag that I have been using in my drinking water and have had no pain in months!!! If you would like some samples sent to you email me at [email protected] with your mailing information.  It's time to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST...not in pain! :))
on 6/3/12 2:07 am - ND
RNY on 03/27/12
I've been researching medical journals about fibromyalgia and wls and many doctors have seen a drastic improvement with fibro pain, actually. I had surgery two months ago and I can already tell my fibro is better. I bumped into a sharp corner and the pain was... Normal? Or closer to normal than I've felt in a long time. It didn't burn, it didn't ache, it didn't linger, it was strange and amazing. I think it depends on what causes fibromyalgia in individuals. But this is the most important thing, the surgery will help you no matter what. There will be less pain because there is less weight. For some, it's not much of a difference, for others it's a great deal. Also, the surgery will help you diabetes, blood pressure and sleep apnea, you can't lose.
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