fibro pain

on 10/4/11 2:45 pm - INDIANAPOLIS, IN
how do u handel fibro pain after wls?? just been out two wks and can.t take the meds they gave do u go back to the meds u where takin before your sugrey?


on 10/5/11 9:02 am - Vancouver, WA
You may have to go back to your pain doc and have him prescribe something that is easier for you to take that won't bother you so much. It can take awhile to get all this figured out. Best of luck to you!
on 3/14/12 4:17 pm, edited 3/14/12 4:18 pm

Fibro pain is made by stress and mental health conditions like anxiety. Relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation are the best solution for reducing this pain because it can help focus your mind in order to deal with the stress of the day.

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