Can anyone give me advice....
This morning I had to have help out of the bed and then I could not get out of the shower by myself. I have always been the caretaker, not the on who needs to be cared for. So this totally SUCKS and I am not loving life at the moment.
Just wondering if anyone else has these experiences or some advice on how to handle the pain and feeling of helplessness?

I MY RNY 5-5-09
Life is Good
You have to learn to make peace and friends with your pain. Accept that it is there and it is what it is. Learn to gracefully accept the help you need and accept that you will need help. We do not have to be wonder woman and basically we can't do what we used to. Yes it's frustrating but you have two choices either fight it and be frustrated or accept it and learn to work with it. I hope others will come on with their advice too. This is our opportunity to love ourselves.
I hope things get better soon!

I MY RNY 5-5-09
Life is Good
You sorta figure it out as you go along, and nothings ever absolute... you never really get to a pain free place, more like a somewhat controlled state. My advice, Sleep alot like 12 hrs.. I know it seems like alot but with FMS you need the extra time to get your body to recoup. Sleep is so key to controll.. stress... try to keep it under controll because that causes flares... Ho****er, like hot hot showers are known to help with flares. Right now Im taking a combo of tramadol and
Seroquel and Welbutrine, Because everyone with FMS has issue, depression and anxiety caused by the pain. Find your self a good pain doc, one who doesn't look confused when you tell him you have FMS. And move, the more you sit still the more the pain will creep into your bones.. Pay attention to how you sleep, some times the postion your sleeping in can cause upper back pain between the shoulder blades in FMS people. Be carefull with Cymbalta, It suddenly stops working, and when you come off it you go through a week long withdraw syndrome... not pleasant... Most FMS docs willl recomend tramadol, it's the kinda drug you need to give a chance because you body needs to get used to it, when you first start taking it's really sedating. The seroquel is awesome because it really puts you to sleep and makes you get a dedicated 12 hrs. The welbutrine is preety good because it has the added weight loss and then it helps ward off the depression. Have you tried the lidocane infustion?? I would love to try it but im illergic to lidocane... I heard you have to get the treatment frequently but it totally kills the pain... worth a shot right??

I think having the support of your family and friends is so helpful. My DH does so much for me, my adult children are also very sweet and caring. I did move from the North to Florida because of the cold. That helps too.
My Dr suggest hydro therapy/exercise. I have lost the minor amount of weight I was carring around, so that should relieve some pain from my joints.
Take care and I hope you overcome you helplessness.
I just take one day at a time and I try really hard to avoid stress because that will cause you more pain in the long run. I try to eat healthy and avoid eating at the fast food places. I really cant give advise on how to avoid them, because there isnt really anyway that we can. Just remember that you are not helpless and this is not your fault, A good support system is helpful. Do you have anyone you can talk to? If not, start a diary and write down what you did that day how you felt, what your pain level was, what you ate etc, you might see a pattern and maybe it will help you determine what caused your flare up. Unforunately even though we all have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, it effects us all differently and what might cause my flare up might not cause your flare up. We all deal differently with the pain and experience the pain in different ways.
Good Luck
Nancy Godina
GRDS 2001
Dr. Kesheshian