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on 7/20/11 11:34 pm - Bucksport, ME
I check the board usually everyday. Hope the rest of you check it often. We all know first hand what we are dealing with. That is so helpful to me cause no one else understands when we say hurt, we really mean hurt. I don't know about the rest but that sure helps me to know someone actually knows what I mean.... Sometimes I think people just look at me like I am nuts......In the winter we deal with all the cold hurting and then the summer all the humidty and heat. Wow we can't win. Sorry I am just venting fibro sisters!! Lets all keep in touch more:0)
on 7/21/11 9:30 am - GA
Vent away sister!  We understand!

Our board is probably one of  the quietest ones. Sometimes it's just too much to type and think at the same time! This horrendous heat is so hard to take, and it seems to get worse every year. It wipes what little energy we have out in no time flat. On the bright side, I jumped through my last hoop last night before insurance gets my paperwork. I had to do 6 mos. of supervised weigh loss (not terrible successful), support group meetings, psych, nutrition, blood work and upper GI. FUN times. Tomorrow I'm hand delivering my signed proof of attendance at 6 support group meetings to my doctor and then I wait. I've been talking to a case manager at the insurance company who has been wonderful, so I don't think I'll have any problems. Looking at surgery sometime in late August. Two of my triplets are headed away from home for college soon, so I want to wait until after that. A lot going on. My fibro had been flaring up more than usual (can you say STRESS?!),  so I've had to take off a day at work here and there just to rest. I'm pretty good at pacing myself normally, but lately I've had way too much to do. Luckily, my employer is awesome.

Two things on my mind post RNY - 1) I know I must exercise, but I don't like walking much (neuropathy), and swimming is too expensive right now. Any sugggestions welcome.

also...2) no more meloxicam for me, which means my stiffness will get worse. That worries me. 

Hang in there all........fall is coming eventually.


on 7/21/11 9:53 am - Vancouver, WA
Oh I hear ya ladies, I usually check in here every day too and try to help out when there is a post. I feel so sorry for you folks going thru this horrendous heat. We are just kinda muggy here which makes my fibro and bad lungs both worse, so am looking forward to fall! Everyone take care and gentle hugs to all!
on 7/21/11 9:57 pm - Bucksport, ME
Yes I hate this heat. It has been in hight 80's and humid, here in Maine. We finally got air conditioning this year and it helps a lot.
It is 8:00 A and we already have the air  conditioners own you could feel the heat already.
yes stress affects us so much but life is stress so not much chance of getting rid of that......
(deactivated member)
on 8/28/11 2:36 pm

It's been a while since I've been here...a LONG while!

I have fibro *and* SLE (Lupus)...the double whammy!

The lu*****mptoms had been better since I had my DS and lost weight, and the fibro flares seemed milder...

Until last week.

I had the first  lupus flare that put me in bed since my surgery in 2009.  I was also hospitalized with pneumonia in May. 

I differentiate my flares by symptoms.  I had a 24 hour fever with this one, perhaps due to immunosuppressants.

I'm also feeling a lot of shoulder achiness on a daily basis.  I have Voltaren Gel for my knees and ankles, and I've started using it on my shoulders, too.

Just venting here.  I was hoping the weight loss had put me in remission forever.  I've lost 232 pounds to date, from a highest weight of 405.  397 on surgery day.

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