Ranting about the pain

on 4/17/11 10:49 pm - Sitka, AK
VSG on 01/26/12
Sorry gang but I am having a bad pain day however, i am not looking for a pity party because I know this is my own damn fault. I am not on anything for my FMS because like a lot of people on here I have been "programmed" to suck it up and drive on when it comes to my FMS and pain levels. Most of the time I can deal with it by taking OTC pain relievers but then there are days like today when I sit here hurting from my scalp to my heels and think  "idiot you should have stayed on the stuff that helped even a little" because I know for a fact that the OTC stuff isnt going to touch this pain today. But of course I wasn't happy with the side effects of anything they put me on and figured I could just tough it out.(Insert Superwoman graphic here)  Knowing that here in a few minutes I am going to have to go off to work feeling like this makes me want to cry and I wonder if a flare is reason enough to go to the ER and call in sick to work. Because if I call in sick to work they are definitely going to want a doctors note. Which is stupid since the ER can't really do anything about it except shoot me full of Toradol and send me home. But with the pain in my stomach AND the flare, I don't know how the heck I am going to make it to 5 o'clock. I have vicoden left over from a dental visit but if I take one Ill be asleep in 20 minutes. but if i don't take something i will have a migraine to go along with the flare and the tummy cramps by 3 o'clock. Crap! I am feeling mightily stupid this morning.
Sorry everyone I just needed to get that out of my system. And it's something else I need to talk to my doc about when I see her again.
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on 4/18/11 3:55 am
Feel free to rant! You are very correct when you said that most of us are programmed to just "suck it up" and deal with the pain. The biggest problem is that people don't understand anything about FM and only know what the T.V. tells them about it, and that's usually, if someone says they are in pain and the docs can't figure it out then it's FM. My favorite is that it's psychological!!  I am going to start taking Lyrica this very day and  I'm terrified that it will slow down my progress or make me gain weight. I am so sorry that you have to go to work feeling the way you do! We all can relate, so rant on!!
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
on 4/18/11 7:29 am - Vancouver, WA

Vent away, that's what we are here for and only we really understand. I agree with Anna on TV they show this very put together person with a look of dsicomfort on her face. What they need to show is someone like me, a fat old broad in sweats, writhing in pain, in bed and looking like hell. That would be a more accurate picture tho not too attractive for an ad! Maybe you can get some stronger meds to take as needed for after work when you can get some rest, rest helps more than anything sometimes. Good luck with work.

on 4/18/11 7:35 am - Sitka, AK
VSG on 01/26/12
Thanks guys, they let me come home early today YAY.. i am going to crawl into bed with my heating pad and a decent book.
on 4/26/11 8:50 am, edited 4/26/11 8:52 am - New Bedford, MA
People don't understand at all about any pain......chronic pain, fibro, migrains, etc. If I were a violent person, I would beat the crap out of them with a bat, and then tell them to "suck it up" or tell them to "take a hot bath,", or "take some tylenol" and everything else they say! When they start feeling better in the slightest, beat them with the bat again and say, "Oh, doesn't that just suck! And you thought you were feeling better!" (oh if only I could be so mean!) I moved to a new apartment last year ,due to a major roach infestation and the lanlord not really doing anything about it. People from my church kept telling me to put my computer, tv, microwave, and other too-expensive-to-relace-things etc in large garbage bags with moth balls and seal the bags to creat a gas chamber to kill them. I told them I can't because I suffer headaches and moth balls is out of the question. They just rolled their eyes, shrugged , and told me to take an Asprin. First of all, I am allergic to Aspirin as well as am on blood thinners so mixing the 2 could litteraly kill me, and second, it is really hard to get rid of the mothball smell. Again, they just rolled their eyes at the thought. They have no idea what it is like to live with chronic migrains and doing whatever it takes to avoid them. I am not going to use mothballs and just suffer! Nobody understands chronic pain, fibro, migrains, arthritis,and stuff until they go through it.

And have you seen those ridiculous comercials about Lyrica, Cymbalta, etc? They show the people all happy and living life as they should. I don't know anybody else, but I certainly don't feel that way after taking antidepressants and stuff. I just can't stand people's ignorance with our pain problems. Maybe the bat thing isn't such a bad idea after all!

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

on 5/5/11 10:35 am - Sitka, AK
VSG on 01/26/12
oh my goodness! I hope the move helped clear up the roach problem! those are awful! and yeah the stupid ads are one of the reasons I gave up on TV a few years ago. I havent taken cymbalta but I have lyrica and i was not happy with it. Now I have celebrex and when I remember I have it I take it. I wish I had remembered it that day I was having the flare and trying to get myself to work. BUT I did find it in a different purse the other day and set it on my desk so i could find it again when I need it.

And Miss_Kitty..... I am sooooooooooooooo with you on the bat thing.
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Carolyn Ivey
on 6/20/11 3:49 am - Altus, AR
 I feel like getting my bat out when I go to my doctor too.  I am on Neurontin and Flexeril for my FMS.  they ease the pain but I am in constant pain.  Every Day, All Day!  She won't give me anything else because she says they can't monitor pain meds due to lack of staff.  So here I sit aching like hell and no way to ease it.  I don't know what to do about it.  I have tried Lyrica and Ultram with no happy results on either.  I have Arthritis, Diabetes, Depression (who wouldn't be depressed?) Fibromyalgia.  I am waiting on Medicare to approve my request for RNY and I am so ready for it.  I have lost 41 lbs on my own.  
on 6/20/11 4:12 am
 omg ! im so thankful for this thread ! Im in constant pain and my Dr tells me its because im fat !! Jerk off. I know for a fact its FM but he wont dignose me or give me anything to help with it. I dont know what to do . Theres got to be a better way than suffering all the time . 
Does this font make me look fat ? 
 Check out my blog ! http://asmallerass.blogspot.com/
on 6/22/11 2:56 am, edited 6/22/11 2:57 am - Sitka, AK
VSG on 01/26/12
Heather I totally feel you on this. I had a doc who said the same thing to me when I first started having the problems with Fibromyalgia. So I busted my ass for a year and got down to 163 where I stayed for a whole whopping 4 months. Then I got divorced and became a single mom with 3 little kids to support. The lowest I have been since then was 183 and that lasted for about 6 months then I had a hysterectomy and am back up to over 200 again. Not once in that 4 months that I weighed only 163 did I have a day that I was not in pain. I switched doctors and she diagnosed me with FMS and started trying to help me. She told me then that while yes losing weight would help a little my weight was not the CAUSE of my FMS. Now

I am sure I could get back down to 160 if I bust my ass again but now I have the fibro to deal with and that makes working out with the intensity needed to burn fat next to impossible. If i were to ride my bike the mile to and from work everyday I would be in a flare for the next 2 days. If I were to do yoga or pilates for 30 minutes a day again I get to live in a flare for 2 days after. Exercise for me is limited to walking and swimming and we arent talking race-walking or lap swimming either. So how the hell am I supposed to get the weight off when I know that my previous methods are going to make me wish I was dead (literally). Weight loss surgery is the only way I can think of to get the weight off to where I need to be and then MAYBE if I am not carrying around an extra 100+ pounds I will be able to move a little more freely without having a flare everytime I do. I don't know but my last hope for getting healthy and finally being able to stay that way is weight loss surgery.
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