Went to Dr today....

on 4/8/11 9:22 am
Well. I went to my recheck today, to see my real Dr, not the P.A. I told himabout all my symptoms and all the new things that have happened since I had last been there a week ago. I told him that at my yearly gyno appt yesterday that my doc there, asked my if fibro had been discussed, I told him no but, that is why I'm going to the Dr tomorrow. He was glad to hear that. I couldnt lay my arm all the way back for him to check my breasts, because ny shoulders felt like they were going to break and just would not let me. Anyway my PCP did an xam and got me on the table and poked and felt around, 9 10ths of it being painful or at least uncomfortable. I think he is wary of diagnosing fibro, which he should be, but he kind of swooshed past my mention of fibro. He then said that he thought I had Polymyalgia Rheumatica, which is a disease that 99% of the time strikes people over 50 but, usually around 70. I am 32. The normal age for fibro. It has some of the same characteristics of fibro but some of the stuff does not make sense and I have SO many of the illnesses that are concurrent with fibro like depression, anxiety, dry eyes, insomnia thats not helped by Any sleep medication,swelling of hands and feet, the feeling of swelling, sensativity to light, fatigue, symptoms of "fibro fog", and the list goes on and on. The best med for his dianosis is steroids but, not so soon after I had surgery. He then said to try to find some Tylenol arthritis, since they have been recalling some brands of tylenol, he said its and 8 hour release tab. I then told him that I was crushing all my tabs and breaking open all my capsules, because I have RNY, time released formulas wont work. He said, and I quote, "oh yeah!" He then said that some other meds might work and started naming some, and said that they were anti-inflammitory. I, once again, said well, if they are n-saids then I cant take them. He said, oh well you can take them for a short course, I just looked at him. So now what I'm doing is bumping up my Cymbalta to 180mg a day, because I was already on an extremely high 120mg a day just for depression, and to continue with the muscle relaxers. He said that this polymyalgia Ruematica could hang around for another couple of weeks, and I now have an appt in 2 weeks to follow up. WhenI go back, if things are not remarkably better, I will be forcing the issue of fibro once more and if he brushes it under the table, I will be asking for a referal to a Dr that possibly specializes in such illnesses, if he doesnt go ahead and refer me himself. What a mess!! I just dont think this "old person" disease is what is doing this. Although my orthopedist has told me that my spinal osteaarthritis looks like that of a 75 yr old, so maybe i'm really a geriatric on the inside!!! Thank you guys sooo much for listening to me again. I really do appreciate all the kindness I have found here!!
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
on 4/8/11 1:50 pm - Vancouver, WA

Hey we need to get together you're a young person in an old person's body and I'm a old body with a young person inside. Yep if you still feel the same you might see a rheumatologist or a pain clinic, both usually treat fibro. There are pressure points they should be able to test on you and come to a more definate conclusion. That's what my chiropractor did when he diagnosed my fibro. He kept asking does this hurt, does that hurt. I told him yes and if he did it again I was gonna smack him! Then he told me why he was pressing on those spots. I told one doc about it and she just said well nothing we can do about it, no meds back then. I told my doc I have now and he sent me to a rheumy for an exact diagnosis because he didn't feel well enough informed to make the diagnosis himself. The rheumy said absolutely it was fibro and was surprised I didn't have the chronic fatigue that so often goes with fibro. However I think I have developed it in the last year or so, no matter how much sleep I get I never feel rested. So the saga continues. I'm so fortunate that I don't have to work or take care of kids, I don't know how some of these younger gals do it with jobs and kids! Me I can just tell hubby he's on his own, fix food or starve the choice is his! Bless his heart! Anyhoo hope they get some conclusive  diagnosis for you and some pain relief. Good luck!

Jennifer M.
on 4/12/11 3:48 am - Goodyear, AZ
 Oh hunny!!! Hang in there and keep fighting for the care you need and deserve!!! We are all here for you!
 ...a work in progress...    
on 4/12/11 6:09 am - New Bedford, MA
I am so with you on feeling like you are way older than you are. As I mentioned in a previous post, I am 33 and feel like I am 84. Then again, I have seen some 84 year olds who jog or power walk around the park! ( I so envy them!) I also feel depressed allot of the time too due to the contant pain. I will wake up feeling good sometimes.....until I bend down to pat my cat, then WHAM!..... now my back hurts.....AGAIN! So I go into depression again because #1 I feel stupid for bending down to pat my cat, (I should know better!) And #2, I am only 33 years old.....and should be able to do something as simple as patting my cat without any pain!

You should talk to your doc about Fibro, but also mention about chronic pain. They both seem very similar. I am going to talk with my doc at my next appointment to see if she thinks I have Fibro or chronic pain. I also see a chyropractor for my back......maybe he will have some answers too.

I hope you find answers soon. Do your best to hang in there. Take care and God bless.

Do you see the glass as half empty or half full? I say, what difference does it make--I paid for a full glass,so either way I am getting jipped!!!

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