Fibromyalgia& WLS linked???

Paula H.
on 9/20/10 1:51 pm - PARIS, Ky
I had WLS in 2003. Since then, Ihave been diagnosed with Fibro. Could there possibly be a link between WLS & Fibro? Post-op, we do not get all of the nutrition that we need,therefore we are anemic in certain nutrients. So just wondering if that can cause Fibro! If so, what can I do to help my Fibro get better? Also, the Fibro causes less movement, therefore leading to weight gain! Please help!!
on 9/21/10 2:51 pm - Vancouver, WA

WLS could be a trigger for fibro because anything that stresses the body can be a trigger to get it started, however it's not just WLS that can cause it. Anything that causes stress or trauma to your body can be a trigger. I've had fibro since I was in my late 20's and that's over 35 yrs ago. Your fibro is not apt to get better, unfortunately it tends to get worse as time goes on. This is a chronic condition with no cure. It has caused many of us on here to gain or not lose as well as we could otherwise. I would suggest you do some investigating on the internet and see what books are available on so you can study up on this condition. Knowledge is your key to living the rest of your life with fibro. There are several meds available to treat the symptoms such as Lyrica, Cymbalta and Savella which sometimes help, but everyone is so different it just depends on which meds work for the individual. The best thing you can do to help yourself is stay as active as you can, even if it's just walking. Most of us find heat helps some but you can't spend your life wrapped in a blanket either. Hopefully some of the others here will pop on and give you more advise. If you have specific questions feel free to ask.

on 9/21/10 11:38 pm - Bunbury, Australia
Hi. My first question would be how are you sleeping?  This was my biggest "trigger" for fibro.
It was like a vicious circle, no sleep, more pain, more pain caused bad sleep.  I finally tried Cymbalta and have had fantastic results with it.  For me there have been no other nasty side effects and i am travelling very well now.  Diet is important though.  Keeping a well balanced diet and cutting processed foods and sugars, i found very helpful. 

My experience is one more of flare ups rather than a constant thing.  You just need to manage it. 
I have not had my WLS yet, (day after tomorrow) but my fibro was one of the reasons I chose it.  Excersise is important, even gentle yoga is great.
I hope you find something to bring you relief, it can really get you down.

Lastly, I am a big believer in the power of thought.  I choose not to think of myself as having fibro.  It may sound a little silly, but i dont want my mind to manifest that "label".
These are the things that have worked for me and I was severe for many years, and now would class myself as mild on most days.

Good luck.

on 9/22/10 1:17 am

I had RNY in 2009 and 2 months later I was diagnosed with Fibro.  I am 27 and can not function I am so tired hurt so bad. I am currently working full time but dont know how long I will be able to.  I am taking Savella it helps a little but just not enough,  I constantly ask my surgeon if there is a link he says no and thinks I am crazy since I say it's getting worse he said it should be better since i have lost some weight.  My weight loss is very slow and disapointing, but I can NOT excerise it just hurts way to bad.  Sorry I don't have more info

on 10/19/10 3:16 am - NY
Try hot showers for the pain ( stay in as long as you can) Start meditation or breathing and relaxation excerises ( remember child birth classes??) 
Thin people can have fibro also  so don't let your doc make you feel it linked only to over weight people.  Fibro is very close to chronic fatigue I have been told it is so close that after you have one for 10 or more years you will have both :(
Ask your doctors to help you sleep better so your body can repair its self ( during REM sleep)
Your body releases hormones to help repair muscles during the deepest part of sleep( or REM sleep)  when you wake up constantly during the night with pain you do not release these and you only get worse.  Try hot shoers before bed time and look into somthing to assist your sleep.  You also need to be worked up for other contributing factors to fibro.  Remember fibro is not a disease but a syndrome ( a collection of symptoms and problems)  I have all the tender points plus the brain fog, dizzyness,hypothroidism, sleep disturbance,several arthritis symptoms, low iron, low vit D, elevated epstien bar, hormone inbalances just to say a few.  You need to be worked up by a professional that knows fibro and what they need to look for.  Most Doctors do not my Rhuematolgist told me that the Docror treating me has to really understand endrochronolgy as well as every thing else.  Google Fribomyalgia and chronic fatigue doctors in your area look for a specialist you will be glad you did !  I sure am as I feel SO much better now !
Good luck
on 9/30/10 11:49 am
I have had Fibromyalgia for several years. I am disabled because of it.

I had read that weight loss improved symptoms. I was hoping to go back to work when I lost some weight.  So here I am, 110 lbs down and I'm sad to say that since my surgery in November of 2009, the fibro is worse.

I did have to go on mega-doses of several nutrients because I was lacking and I admit, I feel better.

I refuse to quit looking. I know I don't sleep well so I'm going to get a two day sleep study. (I already know I had sleep apnea before surgery but can't stand the C-pap now at this lower weight).

I just had my first interview with a new sleep specialist and I have some symptoms of nacolepsy - a seizure like disorder where you fall asleep without warning. My father had it. They will be testing me for it when I go to the hospital.

When I weighed 290 pounds, my doctors blamed everything on my weight. So here I am, having had my guts rearranged and still have the same problems. The only difference is, now I'm taken seriously and my medical team and I keep searching for answers.

The symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency are also close to those of fibromyalgia, including pain and fatigue.  The normal range for Bariatric patients is 40 and above. My level was 15. So now I take 50,000 units a week. My doctor says there is no danger from overdose so I take it whenever I take my calcium. (Vitamin D aids in the absorbtion of calcium) That's four times a day. 

Exercise helps but too much exercise hurts. Keep moving but not too fast. My doctor says we were designed to walk. Not to sit and not to run.

Getting deep sleep is imperative. Some medical researchers believe that fibromyalgia is ultimately a sleep disorder and if you can get good sleep, it goes into remission.

It feels like I'm a juggler, trying to eat often but not too much, sleep well and not too much, exercise but not strenuously.  What a pain in the ass!

But everytime I drop a link in the chain, I suffer.  Just keep plugging.  FM does improve with balance. 

on 10/19/10 3:36 am - NY
you can get Vit D drops for under the tounge if the pills do not work as well as they should.  I also have a low D level with all the milk I drink never thaought I would but I do use a 40 or above sun screen due to getting sun poisioningwhen exposed.
I am disabled for multiple reasons the fibromyalgia, my feet and ankles have colasped now walk with help of braces, arthur in many joints and low spine.  My medical chart is almost a heavy as I am !  I have had surgeries and my fibro got worse after each one - the anesthesia is a trigger for me.  I have had this for well over 15 years and anything that stresses your body can trigger flares.  Surgeries, death of loved ones, loss of jobs like in a diabetic stress can cause sugar to elevate in fibro our pain can elevate especially if anything causes sleep disturbance.  Even good stresses like traveling.  Getting up early to go somewhere or getting overtired due to a long day of activity.  We have to plan better and more thoughly than the persons with out our fibro. 
One thing I do is try to increase my rest for a few days before I leave, I travel with a flash light as darkenss causes me to be dizzy so I have a light to go to strange bathrooms with.  I plan a down day the day after I get home because I know I will need it or I will have a longer recoup period with out it.
Living with fibro is a challange one we are up to ( I know you are as stubron as I ) !!
T Stew
on 10/30/10 7:26 pm - CA

I'm pretty sure that the vitamin D in milk is D2 and that is not very well absorbed by the body.  D3  is what we need.  Carlson makes one that is 10,000 IU.  By the way, the prescription Vitamin D is also D2.  I was put on the prescription and after 3 months my level went from 19 to 11.  My doctor swears that most of her patients' levels go up with the prescription but I'm convinced it's garbage.

on 1/17/11 1:34 am - South St. Paul, MN
I have to talk with you. I had WLS last June, 6 months ago and have lost 90 pounds. I thought I would be so much better, too. It turns out, i am even worse! No one in the family wants to hear that. They all want to hear that I am doing great! So frustrating. My fibro ha**** the roof! I've never felt so much pain so often in my life. I never sleep more than 40 minutes at a time and this is making it much worse. My doc won't give me anything like Lunesta or Ambien for sleep - he gives me Seroquel in low doses (usually used as an anti-psychotic) but good for sleep. This helps a little, but doesn't keep me asleep or help me reach REM.

i also have diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease and was diagnosed with Lupus years ago. I had applied for soc sec disability and was denied. I fought all rounds, 1, 2 and three and was denied all three times by the judge. Was anyone out there approved for soc sec disability for fibro? If so, can you provide some tips?

I can't go on like this much longer. My days are spent at work and nights and weekends are spent in jammies just getting rest. I have no social life anymore and no fun. It's all I can do just to survive.

on 1/17/11 12:05 pm - NY
    My surgeon told me loosing weight even with WLS will not do any thing for fibro.  I ran out of my bed time pills ( combo of natural products) so I am taking generic Benedryl ( it comes in  liquid also ) , 25 mg at  half hour before bed and I sleep well and when I get up to use the bathroom I go right back to sleep.  My Fibro MD is very against my having surgery as the medicine is not absorbed as well and my pain may return.  Your Lupus may also cause some of your pain as it is very painful also.  You will probly need a specialist to determine the cause of your pain.  It sounds like you need to be worked up by a specialist, and they can  also give you information on what exams, xrays tests, ect you need before you apply again.
   Fibro may be caused by many things, My specialist did over 30 blood test to check on what was effecting my immune system, I met a another women at the clinic that  had a heavy metal overload, I do not but my thyroid and adreanals were a few of the tings that were malfunctioning.
    I was in that same place when I wound up making it half way down a hall and not being able to mov.  My  drove home was 30 minutes long and I would have to pull over to take a nap after a busy day working so I could make  it safley.  On my days off I would stay in bed 18 hours and days I worked I got out of bed to get ready for work and to let the dog out.  I would tell myself i am so tired I do not know how I was going to work the day.  I orked as a accute care RN so calling in was not an option most days. 
   The good news is I have not used my cane for a very long time and I have a ton more energy sleep well and have lostover 30# weight on my own.  I am looking forward to my life not dreading it,  
Talk to a lawyer that works for disability cases see what he thinks.
Good Luck , may you have pain free days ahead.
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