cold feet for surgery
Ive been fighing the flu for a week today.(The sickest Ive been in 20 yrs). Im soo weak and tired and Im scared now. My body is saying "Dont do that RHNY". I need help here. My surgery is set for Nov. 30. I weigh 350,maybe alittle less after this week. I dont know if my body can take this wht and this fibro through another winter and I was so excited about a new life.
Please tell me to go through with this surgery Ive been fighting for, for 8 mths now. Is this the right decision? Idon't know what to do.
Thank you Joanna. Thats what I needed.Someone who has been there.I guess I really do know it is the right thing. I must still be sicker today than I thought. What a blessing all of you are to me. Im on 32 meds and throw most of them up at least 5 times a day. My body is saying NO MORE POISON! and that is what all of these drugs.
Im sooo proud of your wht loss! Thank you for the encourgement today.
Three years later---- actually gave my wheel chair away. I still ride the carts at Walmart becuase i hurt so bad but I can walk and BREATHE. I don't need any of the above med's. I am down to 330. No not skinny but, I can put my shoes on and tie them, move so much better. I thankfully never had any complications, never threw up, and have felt great. I am GLAD that I had the surgery I KNOW if I were still alive I would have been 500# or more with out the surgery.
Yes I was so worried and I really did think I would die on the table I was so old..... So cold feet are normal. It is a life chaning surgery and you will ALWAYS have to watch what you eat, and limit calories but it is such a miracle to those of us that need it.
Good Luck and keep us posted,
Thank you Pam and all, for the peptalk. I am feeling better. Not quite well yet. Still not sure if this flu will have a secondary infection behind it. Im still very weak.
God bless people like you that take the time for all of us pre-ops. Im back on track now with the knowledge that the surgery is the best thing. I have sooo much to do to get ready. Can you give me any ideas? My friend, Suzette in Col. told me to bring something that buttons because you cant raise your arms up. She also said"bring flipflops for the shower and a pillow to put on your stomach for the ride home.Pot holes etc. "
I have a great husband but he isnt perfect. He will go to the store and bring me things but he isnt good about taking care of himself when Im down with something. Any suggestions about what I can make ahead of time that will freeze well for him? Im going to start taking my chicken stock and beef stock, doctoring up the flavor with onion,celery and a carrot and freeze in icecubes for me.
Pam, is there a place here where we can get ideas from those like you who answer so many peoples posts.(I dont post often but I read them everyday) so I know how special you are. The protein powders- do you prefer one over another. I have the unjury and the after taste make them very hard for me to get down. I see the biariatric powders like the icecream sandwich flavors etc and I was wondering if they all taste like the unjury.
Sorry to write your ear off. Thanks again, Suzette
I have heard that if you start slowly adding the protein powders into your diet, your system will handle it much better (When you find a good tasting one :+)). Just use 1/2 scoops for twice a day and work up to 1-2 full scoops, or whichever they recommend given the protein powder. I am using Isopure and Click Espresso Protein Powder. (Can't use that though for 2 weeks after teh surgery; too much caffeine, but omg, it is the tastiest stuff)
Anyway, the Isopure protein powder I use:
... is 50 grams of protein with 2 scoops. so even one scoop and I am getting no carbs. it mixes Very well, and you can always use some sugar free vanilla syrup if it takes too bland for you. I like both products, and also look for the powders that give you both protein And nutrients you need. I like staying with the 'basic' flavors, because then I can jazz them up.
I am still a newbie, and so hopefully I am not giving you advice that is bad. I just know this is working for me so far (Surgery not scheduled yet).
Also, check out The World According to Eggface? If your going to go for a high protein diet, she has wonderful suggestions imo. And she incorporates protein powders into them. Maybe even a few you and your husband can enjoy together! She might have some suggestions for you concerning specific flavors as well.
g'luck sweetie.
I never had second thoughts about having the surgery because I knew if I didn't have it I would only get bigger and die at a young age. I was 39 when I had it done. yourself a favor and treat yourself to wls. Someone posted on the other forum and said how do I celebrate my 1 yr post op surgery. I told them to, this will sound silly but I told them to take a picture of their feet, go into a single bathroom stall for one, cross your legs, go on a rollercoaster, etc. All the things people
take advantage of. So I hope you don't second guess your decision anymore. We will keep convincing you to do it, even though it is your choice, we sure will keep reminding you of the good. take care