sore arms
I have had Fibro for 1.5 yrs that I know of. I think my symptoms started sometime in 2007 or maybe even sooner than that, but I didn't really notice a change until my arms starting hurting. My concern is people always say to excercise and you will feel better. But I have a job where I lift boxes that weigh one to 30 lbs and I am so sore the next day with bad Fibro pain. Has anyone been able to use your arms a lot without pain? If so, what is your secret? How are you supposed to excercise when it hurts the next day and causes major pain where I have to use the max of my break though meds. I feel my meds work great, but when I lift or carry heavy items, like my cat, she's so cute and fat. I love her. Anyway, any thoughts are appreciated and thank you in advance.
Sounds like it's time to re-evaluate your pain meds. Myself I take a time released morphine twice a day and cymnbalta once a day. It takes care of most of the pain for me. The difficult part is finding meds that lessen the pain without knocking ya out. Exercise really is helpful with fibro but it is gonna hurt. We need to keep what strength we have in our muscles even if it hurts. Do try to do lots of stretching, that helps too. Every time a part of me hurts I stretch it, some of the pain is from tight muscles. Meds wise it tends to be trial and error to find what works for you and also it needs to be switched up now and then so our body doesn't get too used to it. Good luck!
I take Savella, Percocet 5 mg 3x day, and Ultram ER 200 mg once a day. These help but the natural remedies have helped further.
I've had Fibro for 15 years. I wish you the best!
I think I will invest in one of those. I believe I can pick one up at my local shopping malls. That sounds like something I could use and I just know that the weight of it will feel good. I love my electric blanket along with my bedspread for weight and heat on my hips. I mostly have muscle pain in my arms and hips. But without meds or any help/relief I would be in bed all the time feeling like I have the flu. I think my husband is just know realizing what I am going through, as a friend of ours said his daughter has Fibro and she said you can't touch her arm it hurts so bad. I reminded my husband of the day he touched my arm and it really hurt. So he is coming around, now I just have to send him to the store. Thanks again. Kristy