What are some of the hardest things for you to deal with

Mrs. Scarlet
on 3/6/09 1:56 pm - KS

 I was diagnosed with fibro and CF when I was 17.  But it is suspected that I had it very early on in my life.  My hardest thing to deal with is that everything is SO sensitive. Its hard to hold my wiggly 5 year old most of the time because it hurts.  But above that..it makes me feel like Im a bad mom.  I know I'm not...I just feel that way sometimes.

Do any of you have things like this that are hard to deal with?

(deactivated member)
on 3/6/09 10:17 pm
Hello Mrs. Scarlet!  Well I can't say that I have been through everything your going through, obviously fibro and CF are very difficult to deal with.  But because of my size sometimes I feel like I am not being the best father I can be.  I feel my weight is a hindrance, and keeps me from being active with my boys.  I can still do things yes, but simply taking them swimming, I have never done.  I am too embarrased of what I look like sadly.  So maybe it's more of a self-confidence issue than an actual issue with my size.  I need to just say bunk it and not worry about what people think.  But we do lots of other things together.  And I am very active in many ways.  But I could do much better! 
Mrs. Scarlet
on 3/7/09 3:41 am - KS
 Hello!  See I identify with what you just said. I wish I could say that It's not because I'm self conscience, but that would be a big fat lie! LOL  And it's getting WORSE now that Im loosing. (Which is just crazy if you ask me.)  But I think everyone on the face of the planet could "do much better' at a lot of things, but when it comes to my daughter the guilt I have had is sometimes overwhelming. I think all we can do it REMEMBER these feelings we have and strive to do more of what we would like with them...whatever that it.  And i need to adopt the "bunk it" attitude...and quit worrying so much.  Because the fact we LOVE our children, and coming from a foster mom...not all parents do.
on 3/6/09 11:15 pm - Bucksport, ME
The constantly feeling so tired is hard for me. It would be so nice onceto get up and not feel tired. But that isn't going to happen.My 5 year old grandaughter jumps and somethimes "hurts" me. Unless someone has this Fibro no one understands how much it does hurt. I am 62 and I think I have always had Fibro. i remember as a kid always "hurting" and always being sooooooooooooo tired.
Good luck and prayers your way !
Mrs. Scarlet
on 3/7/09 3:45 am - KS
 Thank you for your prayers!  And I think this is a HUGE problem when others don't know how much it actually hurts, but then again I wouldn't expect them too. I try to explain it to my daughter the best way I can..I just hope in the long run she understands that it's not because I don't want to hold her. We spend a lot of time sitting VERY close to eachother or snuggling where I have a little more control over her moving...lol. 
Kathleen T.
on 3/7/09 2:57 am, edited 3/7/09 2:58 am

I've had fibromyalgia for many years even before they knew what it was. 21yrs ago they gave it a name, and I understand what you feel like about the kid.  I had to girls and my HB took them to games and did everything with them not only was the weight a problem but the fibro. didn't help at all. With the weight lost for a while I felt great.  I started over working and have started to feel like I did when I first was diagnosed.
Can't stand that my home look like a lazy person living here ever time I try to get it back together I fall sick for weeks. And my skin is so sensitive when the HB touch me I can hollar. And he just don't touch he like to rub my skin OH BOY. Don't beat yourself up it just something we can not avoid.  My be if you talk to your Dr. What enough meds are did meds it may make a difference.

"A Man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. 
Proverb 16:9
May not be where I want to be but I glad to be where I'm at.
Working at getting the rest of the way.

12/10/2012 I'll be having LBL, BL/BA, thigh & arm lift, eyelid
Body by Dr. Sauceda    booked to 12/9--12/22
Mrs. Scarlet
on 3/7/09 3:49 am - KS
 Thank you!  It's hard not to let out a "hollar" sometimes..lol.  As far as your home..I have a saying, "if you come over to visit my house, you will probably be dissapointed, but if you come over to vistit me I hope you have a great time!"  Thats one of the problems I have with Fibro, I can feel worse for days or even a week if I overdo it for ONE day.  I do what I can and Try (key word TRY) not to worry about the rest..lol
Kathleen T.
on 3/7/09 11:24 am, edited 3/7/09 11:25 am
Mine is if you come to my house don't close your eye.  If you trip and fall my insurance will not cover you. I move over some of the junk for the company.  Get you a holler a scream and then relax I miss so much with my DD now I'm trying harder to enjoy the GBies.  When I know they are coming I may lay down the day before they come to enjoy them the life we have to learn to live WLS and Fibromyalgia.  It's been harder for me to lose more weight good thing I followed the Dr's order to the tee the first 8 mos I lost the first 70lbs. It's been a little over year a 1/2 I've been so tried most of the time I'm having the hardest time trying to lose the last 35lbs. Totally wiped out most of the time and have knee problem, good thing I had the surgery even thought they may give me trouble sometime but not
"A Man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. 
Proverb 16:9
May not be where I want to be but I glad to be where I'm at.
Working at getting the rest of the way.

12/10/2012 I'll be having LBL, BL/BA, thigh & arm lift, eyelid
Body by Dr. Sauceda    booked to 12/9--12/22
Mrs. Scarlet
on 3/7/09 1:13 pm - KS
 Ha!  Thats a good one too!  All of this is hard....I just hope that someday they come up with an effective medication or treatment of some kind.  There MUSt be better things out there!
on 3/7/09 7:26 am - GA
The hardest thing for me to deal with would be the fact that half the time I cannot be physical with my husband. I am only 32 years old and so is he. Even though he understands I can see that allot of times he is dissapointed.
The second thing would have to be the cleaning of my house. I hate the fact that I cannot clean my house the way it needs to be done.
The third thing would have to be the misunderstanding of family and friends. That is the one thing that hurts the most when they look at you like your lying. I always tell them "do you think the doc would have me on ALL of these pain meds if I was not hurting" or the ones that tell you "if you would just stretch it out and exercise it would not hurt as bad" or my favorite "narcotics do not help fibro"
I swear I have cussed out so many docs and so many "friends" dealing with this crap. I lost count along long time ago.
Why people cannot and do not understand the fog that is associated with this disease. My brain already being screwed up being bi-polar the fibro fog makes it so much worse.
I hung out on the R&R board for a while. You would never believe the people that made fun of me because I would ramble. I would lose my train of thought and they found that just so damn funny to point it out to people that I was stupid.
So whats the hardest thing to deal with.......The whole damn thing! FIBROMYALGIA SUCKS!
Can you tell I am having a bad day.....LOL.....its ok though cause I know you understand where I am coming from. Thats one thing I can always count on and that is you all here on this board understanding.
Hope you all are having a good day......Gentle hugs to all of you!
Kimberly"be nice to me or I will sic my ninja monkeys on you"
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