Sometimes I feel so alone!
Hi, I'm pretty much in the starting stage of a flare and my arms from my elbow to my wrists are really hurting. I called my husband first *****ally didn't give me too much support, he is supportive most of the time but sometimes he just doesn't get it, I called my mom because I just wanted to hear her voice to get comfort and she yelled at me telling me I'm on too much medicine and started questioning my doctor...hello do they really think that I want to hear that? Sometimes you just want an open ear, someone to talk about something else to take you mind off of it, or something but when you don't have anyone to turn to, it just makes you feel so sad and alone. I guess if I didn't have Fibro I wouldn't understand either unless I've walked the walk but when you are hurting you just want comfort. I know you all here know exactly what I mean.
(((Soft Hugs))) I so understand where you are coming from... it will be ok. The stress that you are dealing with is going to make your flare even worse.
If I were you, I'd print out information about Fibro and give it to both your mother and husband so that they can brush up and understand that you body HURTS and stress makes it worse.
I wish you the best of luck,
If I were you, I'd print out information about Fibro and give it to both your mother and husband so that they can brush up and understand that you body HURTS and stress makes it worse.
I wish you the best of luck,
Awww sweetie we're always here for you but that's not the same, I know. Printing out info on it is a great idea! My DH is about the best most understanding person around but he just couldn't understand how I could hurt everyday. I don't seem to have flares just constant exruciating pain so he just couldn't grasp it. He did say just yesterday after my greatly improved mood because of the Cymbalta that he'd forgotten how nice and pleasant I used to be and he's glad I'm back. Like I told him tho the fibro could come back who knows how long this will work. Remember it's also easy to feel depressed just from the pain and even more so if you feel no one cares, so come here if nobody else will listen we always will. Hang in there!
Hi Monica,
I totally understand how you feel. I fought the same thing with some family members until I found the "Spoon Theory". You can find it on Christine website: butyoudon' It is in regards to lupus, but when you substitute fibromyalgia for lupus it identical. I found it to be the easiest way to explain fibro to those who are really having a hard time grasping the concept.
Good luck. I'm hear if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, or an ear for listening.
Soft hugs,
You guys are the best!!!! Its so important to have contact with others who have fibro because we are really the only ones who have really dealth with it all. Today was no better, I'm thinking the weather (it just started snowing here in SE PA) I had to bring out the big gun medicine.
Thank you all for listening to me and its so helpul knowing that there is people that will listen and understand.
Thank you all for listening to me and its so helpul knowing that there is people that will listen and understand.